Soil Erosion
Soil is the upper weathered layer of the earth's crust.The vertical section through the upper crust of the earth is called soil profile . Study of soils is called pedology and the process of soil formation is called pedogenesis .1 cm soil formation takes about 200-400 years. The removal of the fertile top layer of the earth or any slight disturbance in its structure is called soil erosion. . Photograph: Landslides at Kailashahar to Dharmanagar road , 23 rd June,2024 Types of soil erosion:- It is of two types: (A) Normal or Geological erosion: It is a very slow process due to normal physical and biological equilibrium without any interference of human beings . (B) Accelerated Erosion: It occurs rapidly due to physical and biological activities.Rainfall, landslide, earthquake,overgrazing and human activities are the main factors in such case. Agents of soil erosion: Water and wind are the main two agents of soil erosion. (A) Water as an agent: Soil parti