
Ammonium Oxalate Test for the detection of Ca in the HCl extract of Plant Ash

Ammonium Oxalate Test  In Plant Biochemistry Ammonium Oxalate Test is used to detect the presence of Ca in the HCl extract of Plant Ash. Experiment  Observation  Inference  To about 20 ml of HCl extract of Plant Ash extract filtrate , a drop of dil. NH4OH is added to make the sample alkaline.   Finally saturated Ammonium Oxalate (NH4)2C2O4 solution is added.                                                              s forme in the test tube. It indicates that Ca is present in the supplied sample, as the white ppt fromed if of Calcium oxalate(CaC2O4). Reaction: Ca2+(aq) of the sample + NH4C2O4(aq) → CaC2O4 (s) white ppt + 2NH4+      

palestine -Isreal and Violence

           Palestine - Israel and Violence  Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 AD by Osman I as a small beylic in Northwest Asia Minor just south of Byzantine capital Constantinople .   On the day, July 27,1302 Osman Bey defeated the Byzantine armies at the plain of Bapheus and marked the beginning of future Ottoman conquests. The empire reached its apex under Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century, when it stretched from the Persian Gulf in the east to Algeria in the west, and from Yemen in the south to Hungary and parts of Ukraine in the north. From 1699 AD onwards , the Ottoman Empire began to lose territory over the next two centuries due to internal stagnation, costly defensive wars, European colonialism, and nationalist revolts among its multi ethnic subjects.The empire came to an end in the aftermath of its defeat in World War I , when it's remaining territory was partitioned by Allies.The Sultanate was officia...

Management: Concept & Function

TS 03 Unit 1 Management : Concept and Function 1.1 What is management? Management refers to the organizing and directing of human activities for attaining a definite objective. It is a process through which all the resources are organised and utilized to attain maximum efficiency.      In its broad sense , management may include the following: (i) Formulations of plan , policies and objectives, (ii) Securing men, material, machinery, money and methods for this achievement, (iii) Putting all them into operation,  (iv) Directing and motivating the men at work,  (v) Supervising and controlling their performance, and  (vi) Providing maximum satisfaction and service to employees and public at large. Features: (i) Management is a dynamic process: It includes a series of interconnected steps for achieving the business goals and objectives. It starts with planning, where objectives are set, strategies devised and resources are allocated. (ii) Efficient Performance:...

PR Services in marketing of tourism products.

TS 03 Block 6 Managerial Practices in tourism -I Unit 4 Public Relations  Q.1 Enumerate with examples the relevance of PR services in marketing of tourism products. June 2017, 20 marks. Q2. “The need for PR in a service based industry like tourism is great” , Justify with example. Dec,2017,20 marks  Public Relations Department ( 3 pages ) What is the Public Relations Department? The Public Relations Department supervises and assesses public attitudes, and maintains mutual beneficial relations and understanding between an organization and its public.It improves channels of communication and to institute new ways setting up a two- way flow to information and understanding. Need of PR in travel industry : PR plays a major role in the promotion of travel industry along with Advertising and Marketing.It builds good relationship with the company's various public by obtaining favorable publicity, building a good corporate image, and handling crisis management is...

Interpersonal Behaviour

TS 03 Block 03 U-2 Q.1. Explain Interpersonal Behavior with the help of suitable examples. Dec2015, 10 mark Interpersonal behavior is the behavior and actions that are present in human relationships.The way people communicate, and all that this entails , is considered as interpersonal behavior. It may include both verbal and non-verbal communication and non-verbal cues, like body language,facial expression, eye-to-eye contact,etc. Relating to one another via taking, or following order are verbal interpersonal behavior.IB is basically how two persons interact in any situation. It is extremely important in organizations to strengthen interpersonal behavior which will result in productive work.If trust and passion for work exist at employee level then the unity between them can achieve great results like reduction in time lag, better quality work ,and excellence in working procedures. Interpersonal skills and examples Interpersonal skills are the qualities and behavior a person uses to i...

Soil Erosion

Soil is the upper weathered layer of the earth's crust.The vertical section through the upper crust of the earth is called soil profile . Study of soils is called pedology and the process of soil formation is called pedogenesis .1 cm soil formation takes about 200-400 years.    The removal of the fertile top layer of the earth or any slight disturbance in its structure is called soil erosion.   .    Photograph: Landslides at Kailashahar to     Dharmanagar road , 23 rd June,2024   Types of soil erosion:-  It is of two types: (A) Normal or Geological erosion: It is a very slow process  due to normal physical and biological equilibrium without any interference of human beings . (B) Accelerated Erosion: It occurs rapidly due to physical and biological activities.Rainfall, landslide, earthquake,overgrazing and human activities are the main factors in such case. Agents of soil erosion:  Water and wind are the main two ag...

Greenhouse effect &Climate Change

  Courtesy:PV education   The process through which heat is trapped near Earth's surface by greenhouse gases is called greenhouse effect . These gases are - carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and CFCs.These gases allowed the sunlight to shine onto Earth's surface but trap 90% of  the heat that reflects back to the atmosphere. Thus , these gases act as insulating glass walls of a greenhouse and keep the climate favorable for living beings by about 33° C.       Climate Scientists now agree that increase of greenhouse gases are directly linked to the increase of global temperature and affecting global climate.This is called climate change.       Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970-2004 due to anthropogenic activities. Burning of fossil fuels to run power plants, vehicles,etc is responsible for the 80% increase of carbon dioxide in this timespan. Cutting of trees has accelerated the addition of this gas a...