
Showing posts from September, 2020

Botany Honours Q Bank ,5th Sem

 #Cell Biology# Genetics & Molecular Biology # Tissue Culture #Bio-Statistics #  Biotechnology #Plant Propagation 2014 Botany Honours 6th Paper 1 Ans any ten  1x10 =10 (a)What do you mean by graft compatibility ? (b)What is totipotency ? (c) Name two organelles where extranuclear DNA is present. (d) What is cytohet ? (e) What is hardening in in vitro regeneration of plants ? (f) What is TATA box ? (g) What is pleiotropism ? (h) 5'--TGTCAAG--3' ---> 5'--TGTTAAG--3' is a transitional point mutation .Justify. (i) What is hemizygous condition ? (j) What is synaptonemal complex ? (k) What is heterosis ? (l) What do you mean by degrees of freedom ? (m) What is meant by acclimatization ? (n) What is test cross ? (o) What is T-DNA of Ti plasmid ? 2 . # Briefly describe the fluid -mosaic model of plasma membrane with diagram .(6+2=8) # Mention the properties of microtubule .(3) #  Discussthe factors associated with microtubule formation .(3)  # Give an example of a microt

Botany 5th Sem Honours 2015 Question Paper

 1 Answer the following (any ten ).    1x10=10 (a)What is cloning vector ? (b)What is cybrid ? (c) What is pribnow box ? (d) Where do you find Christmas tree configuration ? (e) What is binary vector ? (f) What is Chargaff's rule ? (g) What is meant by degeneracy of genetic code ? (h) What is somatic seed ? (i)What is hardening of in vitro regenerants ? (j) What is autophagosome ? (k) Why are two strands of DNA called antiparallel ? (l) What is usar soil ? (m) What is layerage ? (n) What are the important  comonents of a greenhouse ? (o) What is goodness of fit ?  2 Illustrate the organization of nucleus with special emphasis on nuclear pore complex and nucleolus . How does nuclear membrane disappear and reappear in cell division ? What are the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes ? (5+3+2)+3+2=15           Or, What are the different stages of cell cycle ? Discuss the role of MPF in cell cycle . How many sister chromatids do you find in pre-synthetic and post-sy