Botany Honours Q Bank ,5th Sem

 #Cell Biology# Genetics & Molecular Biology # Tissue Culture #Bio-Statistics #  Biotechnology #Plant Propagation

2014 Botany Honours 6th Paper

1 Ans any ten  1x10 =10

(a)What do you mean by graft compatibility ?

(b)What is totipotency ?

(c) Name two organelles where extranuclear DNA is present.

(d) What is cytohet ?

(e) What is hardening in in vitro regeneration of plants ?

(f) What is TATA box ?

(g) What is pleiotropism ?

(h) 5'--TGTCAAG--3' ---> 5'--TGTTAAG--3' is a transitional point mutation .Justify.

(i) What is hemizygous condition ?

(j) What is synaptonemal complex ?

(k) What is heterosis ?

(l) What do you mean by degrees of freedom ?

(m) What is meant by acclimatization ?

(n) What is test cross ?

(o) What is T-DNA of Ti plasmid ?

2 . # Briefly describe the fluid -mosaic model of plasma membrane with diagram .(6+2=8)

# Mention the properties of microtubule .(3)

#  Discussthe factors associated with microtubule formation .(3)

 # Give an example of a microtubule depolymerization drug .(1)


# What is DNA C-value paradox? (2)

# Does DNA C-value remain same at the end of mitotic and meiotic cell cycle ? (3)

# Describe briefly the deviations of diploid DNA C-value in mitotic cell cycle with suitable illustration .(6)

# Add a note on salient features of mt-DNA . (4)

3. # What are chromosomal aberration ? Enumerate the different types of such aberrations.2+2

 # Distinguish between paracentric and pericentric inversions . (2)

 # Illustrate the fate  and behaviour of a chromosome during meiotic division that has (i) pericentric and (ii) paracentric inversions 4+6=10


# What is holandric gene? Give example.(2)

# What will be the genetic consequences in F2 progeny of -

(i) crosses between color-blind woman and normal visioned man;

(ii) Crosses between color- blind man and normal visioned woman?(3+3)

# Write a scientific name of an indigenous plant which shows chromosomal sexuality. (1)

# There are three linked genes in corn viz., b,v and lg .From a trihybrid test cross ,the following progenies are obtained :

+   v   lg            : 195

b   +   +             : 154

+   +    lg           :  47

+    b    v            :  44

+    +    v           :  66

lg    b      +          : 74

+     +      +           : 11

v      b   lg           : 9

(1) Determine the gene order.

(2) Calculate the map distance between the genes.

(3) How much interference is operative ? (2+2+2)

4 .  # What is Klenow fragment?(2)

# How can you demonstrate that , chromosomal DNA replication is semi- conservative in eukaryotic system? (5)

# How are leading and lagging strands initiated during DNA replication of prokaryote ?(4)

# Explain how 5-bromouracil induces mutation.(4)


# What is Wobble hypothesis ?(2)

# Specify the codons termed as ochre , amber and opal.(1.5)

#Discuss the general characteristic features of genetic code with suitable examples.(6.5)

# How does activation of amino acid occur during preinitiation of the translation event ? (3)

# What is the significance of Shine- Dalgrano sequence? (2)

5 . # What are different forms and textures observed in callus culture ? (2)

# Which form of callus do you think the best for cell suspension culture & why ? (2)

# How can you initiate & establish a suitable callus culture from a given species ? 

 Illustrate with an experimental design .(8)

# What are the utilities of callus culture ? (3)


# Differentiate between Southern blot & Northern blot .(2)

# Write the steps of Sothern blot analysis. (7)

# What are RE ? Mention it's types .2+1

#Classify RE according to their mode of action .(3)

6. #Define polyploidy .(2)

# Write the scientific names of two polyploid plants & mention their somatic chromosome numbers.(3)

# Name some chemicals used in induction of polyploidy .(2)

# Distinguish between autoolyploids & allopolyploids .(2)

# State the role of polyploidy in evolution of plants with suitable examples .(6)


# What is frequency distribution ? (2)

# Differentiate between simple frequency distribution & group frequency distribution .(3)

# Find the mean of the following frequency distribution:

Age in yrs.         No of persons

16--20.                   22

21--25.                   35

26--30.                   83

31--35.                   42

36--40.                   11

41--45.                    7

 #Calculate the standard deviation for the field data relating to pH os the soil sample :

6.7 , 6.8 , 6.9 , 7.0 , 7.3 , 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.4  & 7.5

 (5+5  =10)

7.# Mention the different functional units of a typical greenhouse .(3)

# Give an account of various types of greenhouse used in Plant Propagation .(7)

# Add a note on various covering of greenhouse .What are the significance of greenhouse? (3+2=5)


# Why "seed purity" & "seed dormancy" have great deal of importances in seed propagation ?(2+2=4)

#What is seed priming ? Mention the different methods of seed  priming .(2+2)

#What is vermiculite?(1)

# Enumerate the different methods of vegetative propagation. Mention the demerits of vegetative propagation.(3+3) 




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