
Showing posts from August, 2023

PDA Media Preparation

PDA media.      Courtesy Science PDA Media Preparation Principle:      PDA Media is used to grow fungi in the laboratory.The fungi may be pathogenic or non-pathogenic which may be identified on the basis of morphology and pigmentation. Potato infusion and Dextrose is added to provide carbohydrate to support the luxuriant growth of fungi. Agar acts as a solidifying agent.  Generally bacteria are also grown along with the required fungi . So, to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria sterile 10% Tartaric acid is added. Composition:- Potato infusion 20 gm/100 ml Dextrose            2 gm/100 ml Agar-Agar          1.5 gm /100 ml Distilled water     Upto 100 ml Preparation of Potato infusion:- To prepare 1 lit PDA Media 200 gm potato is taken. Washing of potatoes is required to remove dirt. IPotatoes are peeled and diced. Potato pieces are added to 1lit distilled water. Boil for 20-25 minutes. The extract is collected through the muslin cloth. Instruments required :

Taxonomy of Angiosperms (Practical)

Specimen :1 Specimen:2 Specimen :3 These practical workouts were done by Durbadal Goswami

Plant Anatomy (Practical)

Study of Anatomical Adaptation Specimen:1 Specimen:2 Study of Anomalous Secondary Growth Specimen 3 Specimen :4 Specimen:5 Specimen:6 Specimen:7 These practical workouts were done by Papia Pal