How to answer Plant Taxonomy

Q .Compare the characters of Caesalpiniaceae, Mimosaceae &  Fabaceae. Mention few pulse-yielding plants.       
                       8+2=10, 4th Paper, 2012,TU. 2008 Syllabus

1 Leaves:
       Caesalpiniaceae..... Paripinnate
       Mimosaceae........... Bipinnate
       Fabaceae................ Imparipinnate
 2 Infloresences
       Caesalpiniaceae.....Raceme or panicle or rarely cymose.
        Mimosaceae......... Spike  (e.g. Dicrostachys) or head-like globose spike
        Fabaceae..............Raceme, panicle (e.g.Dalbergia),dense axillary head(e.g. Trifolium), solitary (e.g. Lathyrus).
3 Flower:
    Caesalpiniaceae.... Slightly zygomorphic
    Mimosaceae.........  Actinomorphic and regular.
    Fabaceae............... Zygomorphic
      Caesalpiniaceae....Sepals imbricate, 5 or less sometimes, connate,odd one anterior.
       Mimosaceae........Sepals  valvate rarely imbricate(e.g. Parkia), usually 5, connate, odd one posterior.
       Fabaceae.............Sepals  imbricate, 5, connate, odd sepal anterior.
5 Corolla:
      Caesalpiniaceae..Petals 5, ascending imbricate,the odd 5th petal is innermost & posterior.
      Mimosaceae.......Petals  4 or 5,valvate.
      Fabaceae............Petals 5, descrnding imbricate, the odd 5th petal is outermost, posterior & largest.
6 Androecium:
   Caesalpiniaceae..... Stamens 10 or less, free.
   Mimosaceae..........Stamens definite or indefinite, free or monadelphous.
   Fabaceae...............Stamens 10, mona- or diadelphous.
   Caesalpiniaceae.... Monocarpellary, unilocular, marginal placentation.
   Mimosaceae........... Same
8 Fruit:

Pulse yielding plants:
1Cajanus cajan......Arhar/Pigeon pea
2 Cicer arietinum...Chola/Gram/Chick pea
3 Glycine max........ Soyabean
4 Lens culinaris..... Musur/ Lentil
5 Pisum sativum......Matar/ Garden pea
6 Phaseolus mungo... Mushkalai/ Black gram
7 P.aureus ........ Mung/Green gram
8Vigna aconitifolia..... Moth.



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