Interpersonal Behaviour

TS 03 Block 03 U-2
Q.1. Explain Interpersonal Behavior with the help of suitable examples.
Dec2015, 10 mark

Interpersonal behavior is the behavior and actions that are present in human relationships.The way people communicate, and all that this entails , is considered as interpersonal behavior.

It may include both verbal and non-verbal communication and non-verbal cues, like body language,facial expression, eye-to-eye contact,etc. Relating to one another via taking, or following order are verbal interpersonal behavior.IB is basically how two persons interact in any situation. It is extremely important in organizations to strengthen interpersonal behavior which will result in productive work.If trust and passion for work exist at employee level then the unity between them can achieve great results like reduction in time lag, better quality work ,and excellence in working procedures.

Interpersonal skills and examples

Interpersonal skills are the qualities and behavior a person uses to interact with others properly.In the business domain ,IP skills refer to employees ability to work well with others.

Ramesh Bhatia of Alice Restaurant has recently hired a brand new assistant manager named Ravi Khanna. Ravi has turned out to be an absolute nightmare supervisor who has no social communication or interpersonal skills.

The interpersonal skills at workplace are:
        1.Verbal communication 
        2. Non-verbal communication 
        3. Listening skills
        4. Negotiation
        5. Problem solving 
        6.Decision making
        7. Assertiveness 
        9. Empathy
Let us see what happened to Ravi:

Verbal Communication skill
Ravi failed miserably with his entire staff because he was not capable of good verbal communication.He mumbled first then screamed when employees did anything wrong. Most employees grew dread working with Ravi because they could not understand his directions.Ravi’s non-verbal communication skills were also not good enough.

Non verbal Communication 
Ravi only communicated with negative non verbal communication, which consisted of frowns and angry states.

Listening skills 
Ravi also has very poor/ineffective listening skills which resulted in a store crisis happening each week. Ravi was not paying attention when one of the employees told him that they were low on red meat.Later that week,the store ran out of red meat and had to close down temporarily until red meat was delivered.

Ramesh was not satisfied with Ravi's service and dropped him as a probationary. Ravi’s behavior continued to decline during the month.

From the above example we came to know what interpersonal skills are and what are their importance. 

Importance of Interpersonal behavior in organisation:-

An individual working in isolation is more prone to stress and anxiety.They find their job monotonous. It is essential to have trustworthy fellow workers who can give honest feedback.
Employees must be called once in a week to perform interaction to keep healthy relationships in the workplace.
Misunderstanding, confusion and conflicts led to negativity in the organisation.
If an employee keeps isolated himself,no one will come to him for the o help at crisis.
An individual working alone is overburdened and never finishes tasks within deadline.
Conclusion: In any kind of organization persons having sound Interpersonal behavior are favored because he/she will fit well with others to achieve the organization ‘s expectations.

510 words

TS 03 B-3 U-1
 Q 2.Transactional Analysis 
               Dec 2017 ,10 marks ( Short Note)
               ( Page no 9-12)

Transactional Analysis was founded by Eric Berne in the 1950s .It is also called ‘The Parent -Adult-Child Theory’ because the three ego states are being activated all the time consciously or unconsciously. When two persons X and Y encounter each other, one who speaks is the Transactional Stimulus and who responds is the Transactional Response. 

A transaction has three parts,like:-
(i) Activated ego state, means what the individual said,
(ii) The response expected to receive ,and
(iii) The response actually received.

According to TA there are 3 main Transactions:-

1.Complementary Transaction (Predictable)
2.Crossed Transaction (Unpredictable)
3.Ulterior (Manipulated)
1.Complementary Transaction:
In complementary transactions both the individuals involved occupy sympathetic or complementary ego states to each other.The two vectors of communication ,the stimulus and response, are in parallel position to set up a reciprocal pattern of behavior which could be maintained indefinitely.                   

Fig.1: Nine types of complementary transactions 
(i) The best CT is A-A : A-A type , because both people are in adult state, as this allows them to work together and find common ground.
For example,
S: Can you please help me with this problem?
R: Of course,I will be happy to help.
(ii) A-P:P-P type: It can be effective on a temporary basis
In the long run the responde with a perent ego may have hostile feelings towards the stimulus with an adult ego state .
(iii) A-C:C-A type: If the respondent has a little professor child ego state,the S can allow the R to be creative, but in the long run the R may be irritable.
(iv) P-P:P-P type: If both people are in a parent state then they may want their own way and may not be able to find solutions.
(v) P-A:A-P type:The R with an adult ego state will not act as directed by the S with a parent ego state..So, the S will be frustrated.
(vi) P-C:C-P type:The R with child ego will start becoming frustrated.
(vii) If both people are in a child state they may not be able to make decisions or may end up blaming each other.
(viii) C–C:C-Ctype: In an organization the S with a child ego state will lose the employees having an adult ego state.
(ix) C-P:P-C type :The R with a parent ego state will control the R with a child ego state.

Berne,1972 calculated there were mathematically 72 types of Crossed Transactions and 9 types of Complementary Transactions .              
                                                                                  2.Cross Transaction:
Cross Transaction occurs when an unexpected ego state responds,leading to a potential miscommunication or conflict. The response does not expect a line of communication.

Fig,2:Few cross transactions 
The most common crossed transaction is the pattern of A→A stimulus with C→P response, and the communication will be blocked.
A few other type of cross transaction are :-
(i) A→C stimulus with a P→A response
(ii) C→P stimulus with a C→P response
(iii) P→C stimulus with a C→C response
(iv) A→A stimulus with a P→A response

S(Boss) : We have a management meeting tomorrow afternoon, can you please finish this before then?

R(Employee): What! impossible. I am too busy now. You have to ask me earlier next time. 
It a case of A→A:C→A type of Cross transactions 

Berne says that when transactions are crossed then the conversation stops until one or other of the parties change ego state.
3.Ulterior Transaction

A→A:A→A Transactions & Continuous lines represent
Social message 

P→C : C–P Transactions & Broken lines represent 
Psychological message 

Berne says that we can communicate on two levels:
(i)There is the social message–what we say,and
(ii) the psychological message –what we mean.
Sometimes two messages do not match. Sarcasm is a great example of this.When we are sarcastic what we say is the opposite of what we mean.The sarcastic individual picks up the psychological message rather than the social message.When this happens the transaction is said to be ulterior.

Conclusion: In the above discussed transaction analysis, A-A:A-A type of Complementary transactions is the best.

690 words

Q3.What is Organizational behavior ?
Dec 2015, 10 mark

Organization Behaviour is the study of how individuals and groups interact within an organization and how these interactions affect an organization’s performance towards its goal or goals. The field examines the impact of various factors on behavior within the organization . Organization Behaviour first came to operation in late 1920s when the Western Electric Company launched a new-famous series of studies of the behaviour of workers at its Hawthorne works plants in Cicer.

The three determinants of Organization Behaviour in an organization are: Individual, Groups and Structure. It has been established that social factors are more important than environmental factors in an organisation.For example, an employee arrives at the workplace on his 10th anniversary and finds a gift card with a sticky note from his manager , acknowledging his anniversary , on his desk. The employee rolls his eyes.

The focus of Organizational behavior tends to center around employee productivity. For example, OB studies have shown that employees who feel valued and appreciated tend to be more motivated and productive,leading to increased profits for the organization (Adam Grant and Francesca Gino).Another researcher recently found that teams perform tasks better when their members believe that their colleagues respect and appreciate them.

OB is the resulting behavior of the people within the organization based on the culture they are immersed in.If the company culture is one that promotes customer service, then the employee are likely to display behavior such as friendliness and helpfulness when dealing with the customers.

Benifits of Organizational Behavior:
Understanding OB can help companies and buisness create and cultivate a positive culture and work environment that will ultimately improve the organization as a whole., such as:
Increase employee satisfaction
Increase customer satisfaction 
Increase innovation
Increase production and performance 
Increase trust between employees and company/ management.
Better communication within the organization 
Find out leadership qualities of the company.
Reduction in employee burnout.
Reduction in workers attrition and turnover.

However, OB can also focus on the ways in which organizations can better manage change and improve behavior in order to achieve desired outways like productivity, employee well-being or workplace satisfaction.

The problems that can arise in an organization are called Organizational Issues such as:

Communication issues
Poor leadership 
Lack of accountability 
Inefficient processes
Workplace conflict
Poor working conditions 
Lack of diversity and inclusion 
OB focuses on these issues and according to that supervisors and HR management tried to rectify the problem to increase the productivity of the organization.




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