Human Physiology : BSc 1st Semester Questions: Tripura University

TDP(General)1st Semester Exam.,2015
                        Full Marks: 40
                        Time :2 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as      practicable

1.(a) (i) Classify cytoskeleton. 
(ii) Describe the structure of mitochondria.
(iii) What is osteoporosis?          4+5+1=10

(b) (I) What is apoptosis?
(ii) Discuss active transport mechanism with example.
(iii) Differentiate between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle.                    2+5+3=10

2.(a) (I) What is viscosity? State it's physiological significance.
(ii) What is protective colloids?
(iii) Explain Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.                                (1+2)+2+5=10
(b) (I)What is pH ? Name two physiological buffers of blood.
(ii) Discuss the basic principle of electrophoresis.
(iii) What is ultrafiltration? Give an example .                                        2+5+3=10

3.(a) (i) Define thalassaemia.
(ii) What is anaemia ? Describe different types of anaemia with causes.
(iii) What is TC,DC and PCV? Mention their normal values.                        2+(1+4)+3=10

(b) (i) What is oedema?
(ii) Mention the steps of haemoglobin synthesis.
(iii) Write the biochemical basis of ABO blood grouping.                             2+5+3=10

4.(a) (i) What are glycosides ? Write two functions of glycosides.
(ii) Classify conjugated proteins with example.
(iii) What is allosteric enzymes ?     
(b) (i) Discuss the effect of pH on enzyme action.
(ii) Distinguish between competitiive and non-competitive inhibition.
(iii) Write the chemical nature of sterols.


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