A few Questions ,3rd Sem, from 2011 Botany Honours ,TU Paper

(1) How does bacterial conjugation differ from transformation process ? Elucidate the significant features of F factor. Distinguish between F+ cells and Hfr cells.Describe with suitable diagram the bacterial conjugation process .2+3+3+7=15,TU2011H
(2)What are Eubacteria? With suitable figures, describe the structure and function of (i) nucleoid (ii)bacterial flagella & (iii)plasmid.Write a note on the role of bacteria in controlling soil fertility.
1+(3+5+3)+3=15,TU2011 H
(3)What is Penicillus? With labelled sketches, describe the structure of Penicillus. Write the process of cleistothecium formation in Penicillium.Name the species of Penicillium from which penicillin is produced commercially. What is heterothallism?1+4+7+1+2=15
(4) What is plasmogamy?Citing examples, describe the different processes of plasmogamy that are found in sexual reproduction in fungi.With labelled figures, describe the internal structres of the sporophore of Polyporous.1+8+6=15
(5) What are lesional & habital symptoms? Characterise the necrotic ,atrophic & hypertrophic type of symptoms.Classify plant diseases on causal organism and occurrence .2+6+7=15
(6)Add a note on plant quarantine.4
(7) What are mycotoxins? Give an account of the different types and forms of mycotoxins along with their sources.Write the significance of mycotoxins.2+8+5=15
(8) Define Lichen .How many types of lichens are found in nature ? With labelled sketches , describe the internal structres of the heteromerous type of liches. Mention the economic importance of lichen.1+3+7+4=15


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