General characters of Ascomycetes

(1) The mycellium is branched, septate with simple pore .
(2) Pimary mycellium is uni - or multinucleate ,but ascogenous hyphae are always binucleate .
(3) Terminal conidia of conidiophore are common asexual spores of many species .
(4) Karyogamy is performed in the young ascus & immediately followed by meiosis and mitosis  respectively to produce endogenous 8 ascospores .
(5) There is no any motile structure in the lifecycle.
(6) Asci are protected by ascocarp of three types :
(i) cup -shaed apothecium e.g. Ascobolus.
(ii)flask-shaped perithecium e.g. Daldenia .
(iii) closed & round cleistothecium e.g. Penicillium .
(7) Hook or Crozier formation is common during ascus formation.
(8) Sexal reproduction is variable :
(i) gametangial copulation e.g.Yeast
(ii) gametangial contact e.g. Penicillium
(iii) somatogamy e.g.Morchella
(iv) spermatisation e.g. Polystigma .


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