Important Questions for BSc Third Sem ,T.U. Botany

1.What is virion ?
2. What is disease triangle ?
3. What is heterocious rust ?
4.What is spore print ?
5.What is mitosporic fungi ?
6.What are primary and secondary homothallic fungi?
7. How do atrophic symptom differ from hypertropic symptoms ?

1.Enumerate different types of virus according to their genome . 5
2. What do you mean by cyanophage and bacteriophage ? 2
3. Describe the structure of T⁴ phage with suitable diagram.6+2
4. Describe the cell wall structures of gm (+) & gm(--) bacteria .3+3
5. Illustrate the transformation process with special emphasis of DNA uptake .5+2
6. Comment on extranuclear DNA found in bacteria. 2Wt
7.Name two edible & two poisonous species of Agaricus .2+2
8. Describe the basidiocarp of Agaricus with diagram .5+3
9.State the nutritional components of Agaricus ,3
10.Write down the symptom of black stem rust of wheat in primary host .5 Describe the disease cycle with annual recurrence in India .5+2 Mention their most effective control measures of this disease .3
11. Give an account of sexual reproduction of Ascolichen with suitable sketches . 2+4
12.Write the economic importance of lichens .6
13. What is Penicillus ? In a suitable diagram, indicate its diffrent parts .1+2
14.Describe the sexual reproduction of Penicillium .8
15What is heterothallism? 2
16. Name two antibiotics obtained from Penicillium .2
17. What is heteroecious fungi ? 2 Name a plant disease produced by this type of fungi .1
18. Describe the disease cycle & control measures of late blight of potato disease.4+3
19 Which variety of tea is cultivated in Tripura ? 1
20 . Mention the beverage contents of tea leaf .2
21.Write the names of commercial varities of tea .3
22. Discuss briefly the cultivation process of tea.6
23.Write the names of common diseases of tea with specific control measures.3
24.Write the scientific name,family & usable part of :
 Ginger,Cinchona,Groundnut , Eicac,Vasaka, Jute.


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