Vocational Guidance and its need

Vocational Guidance and its need

  Guidance in simple terms means to direct or provide assistance to someone who needs help.In  broader perspective, guidance is provided at all levels to human beings by one person or by the other. Morris,Ruth strang defined that, " Guidance is a process of helping every individual,through his own efforts, to discover and develop his potential for his personal happiness and social usefulness." The concept of vocational guidance is recent , but is radically changing. In earlier days vocational guidance was fitting an individual to a job .The success of an employee depends on systematic progress and adjustment during employment.Hence there is a need for re-orientation of the vocational guidance.

Definition of Vocational Guidance:

According to The National Vocational Guidance Association of America 1937, "The vocational guidance is the process of assisting  the individuals to choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter upon and progress in it . It is concerned primarily with helping individuals make decisions and choices involved in planning a future , and building a career decision , and choice necessary in affecting satisfactory vocational adjustment".

Need of Vocational Guidance
Myer's opined that vocational guidance is essential because:
It provides economic advantages to the employer because after vocational guidance workers enjoy job satisfaction.
It helps to utilize human potential to the maximum.
When a person is in the wrong profession , he or she suffers from psychic loss, economic loss .
Right vocational guidance helps a person to develop his/ her personality.

Aims of vocational guidance

To provide a placement service
To provide follow-up service to implement life goals
To discover the positive and negative sides of an individual
To develop educational and occasional plans
To provide correct information
To help an individual to develop the right attitude towards work.

Vocational Guidance starts from early school days and continues even in professional time also. It must enable the students to choose the correct career options and develop the essential skills that would prepare them to enter the career field opted by them.


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