Botany H ,2010 .....for 3rd Sem,TU

1. Answer in brief        1 mark each
(a) What is nucleoid?
(b) Why is Puccinia graminis tritici called polymorphic fungus ?
(c) Distinguish between virion and viriod .
(d)What is mesosome?
(e) What is dropsy ?
(f) Name the lichen from which antibiotic is obtained.
(g) What is pseudomycelium?
(h) What is eucarpic thallus ? Give example .
(i) What do you mean by non-replicative form of virus ?
(j) What is lambda dg?
(k) Name the phytoalexin found in Pisum sativum.
(2) What is bacterial capsule ? Give a comparative account of cell walls of gm + & gm- bacteria .Write a brief note on bacterial endospore .What do you mean by acid-fast bacteria ? 2+6+5+2
(3) What is episome ? Describe , in brief , the different stages of T⁴ phage multiplication process . Enumerate the different groups of plant viruses as suggested by ICN of viruses .2+8+5
(4) What do you mean by bipolar and tetrapolar species in Basidiomycetes?Give an account of structural organisation of a typical basidiocarp .Add a brief note on different types of basidia found in Basidiomycetes .Comment on Buller phenomenon.3+6+4+2
(5) What is apothecium? Describe with labelled sketches the formation of apothecium of a fungus studied by you .1+2+5
(6) Give an account of different types of spores found in Deuteromycetes .State the role of the members of Deuteromycetes in biological control of plant diseases .5+2
(7) What do you mean by pathogenicity? Give an account on the different ways through which the plant pathogens get entry within the host tissue .1+6
(8) What are fungicides ? Name some popular systemic fungicides and discuss their role in plant disease control .1+7
(9) What are aflatoxins ? What is the basis of classification of aflatoxins?Write down the structure and physical properties of different types of aflatoxins.Mention its effect on human being .2+1+4+2+1
(10) Write an account of different morphological growth forms of lichens . 5


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