TDP (General)1st Semester Exam, 2015,Botany ,Paper - I ,Set :B

1 . Vivipary is 
(A) seed germination with subterranean cotyledons
(B)seed germination with epiterranean cotyledons.
(C) fruit development without pollination.
(D) seed germination inside the fruit, the fruit while attached to the plant.

2.Seed dormancy allows the plant to 
(A) overcome unfavourable climatic conditions.
(B) develop healthy seeds.
(C) reduce viability
(D) prevent deterioration of seeds .

3. Seed dormancy may be due to
(A) immature embryo.
(B) hard seed coat .
(C) presence of germination inhibitors
(D) All of the above.

4. Protein % of paddy straw mushroom is 
(A) 4.98%
(B) 3.98%
(C) 5.98%
(D) 2.98%

5.SCP means 
(A) Special Collective Protein
(B) Single Cell Protein
(C) Single Cell Phospholipid
(D) Special Cell Protein

6. Seed viability can be determined by 
(A) Iodine test
(B) ELISA test
(C) Tetrazolium test
(D) Ames test
7.Exposing seed to chilling temperature for germination is known as 
(A) scarification
(B) stratification
(C) layering
(D) grafting

8. Drinking water is otherwise known as
(A) irrigation water
(B) potable water
(C) surface water
(D) saline water

9.Phylogenetic system of classification was coined by 
(A) Linnaeus
(B) Cornquist
(C) Hutchinson
(D) Bentham & Hooker

10. -----------is considered as comparatively more primitive 
(A) Cyanobacteria
(B) Eubacteria
(D) Angiosperm

11. Speciation can be achived by 
(A) geographical isolation
(B) climatological changes
(C) reproductive isolation
(D) All of the above

12. Who is considered as the Father of Botany ?
(A) Darwin
(B) Theophratus
(C) Aristotole
(D) Mendel

13. In ____ type of life cycle, haploid and diploid phases are equally prominent and are represented by two distinct vegetative individuals
(A) dilopntic
(B) triphasic
(C) haplontic
(D) diplohaplontic

14. Plant cell does not contain 
(A) peptidoglycan
(B) cell wall
(C) mesophyll
(D) endoplasmic reticulum

15. The branch of botany dealing with arrangement , classification and nomenclature is known as
(A) cytology
(B) morphology
(C) taxonomy
(D) anatomy

16.Which of the following is a heavy metal?
(A) Na
(D) Sn

17.Electrostatic precipitation are used as control ____ pollution
(A) water
(B) noise
(C) air
(D) soil

18. Sound is measured in
(A) decimal
(B) decibel
(C) kelvin
(D) celcius

19.Smog is a
(A) primary pollutant and harmful
(B) primary pollutant and harmless
(C) secondary pollutant and harmless
(D) secondary pollutant and harmful

20.'Jhum' cultivation may lead to
(A) high productivity and is safe to environment
(B) low productivity and is not safe to environment
(C) low productivity and is safe to environment
(D) high productivity and is not safe to environment

21. ____ disease is caused by the consumption of contaminated water
(A) Typhoid
(B) H¹N¹
(C) Malaria
(D) All of the above 

22. Increase in BOD is ____ for the ecosystem
(A) benificial
(B) harmful
(C) neutral
(D) Both (A) &(B)

23. Normal hearing capacity of an average person is ___ decibel
(A) 50
(B) 55
(C) 60
(D) 65

24. Depletion of Ozone layer result in 
(A) skin cancer
(B) increase in temperature of the earth
(C) melting of polar ice 
(D) All of the above

25.Ideal temperature of a greenhouse is
(A) 24°C
(B) 25°C
(C) 26°C
(D) 27°C

26. Which of the following methods is commonly practised for root induction ?
(A) Cutting
(B) Grafting
(C) Budding
(D) Layering

27. Rooting in stem cuttings may be initiated by using
(C) ethylene
(D) jasmonic acid

28. All of the plants can be propagated by leaf cuttings, except
(A) Begonia
(B) Hibiscus
(C) Sansevieria
(D) Bryophylum

29. In grafting , stem cutting from the donar is called as 
(A) Scion
(B) transplant
(C) bud graft
(D) root stock

30. The two most important factors influencing the life span of seeds under storage are
(A) rainfall and relative humidity
(B) seed size and moisture content
(C) relative humidity and temperature
(D) climate and temperature

31. Organic farming is the technique of raising crops through uses of
(A) manures
(B) resistant varieties
(C) biofertilizers
(D) All of the above

32 Which one of the following is a manure?
(A) Sesbania
(B) Rice
(C) Oat
(D) Maize

33. DDT is 
(A) not a pollutant
(B) an antibiotic
(C) an antiseptic  agent
(D) a non-degradable pollutant

34.Green manurong can increase the crop yield by 
(A) 5% ---10%
(B) 15%--25%
(C) 30% --50%
(D) 80% --90%

35. Which of the following substrates is used for ethanol production?
(A) Starch-containing substrate
(B) Waste product from wood or processed wood
(C) Juice of sugarcane
(D) All of the above

36. Ethanol is produced by 
(A) continuous fermentation
(B) batch fermentation
(C) Both (A) nd (B)
(D) None of the above

37. After fermentation is over, ethanol is recovered by 
(A) centrifugation
(B) distilation
(C) filtration
(D) cell disintegration

38. What are the fermentation conditions for ethanol production?
(A) pH 6 & temperature 35°C
(B) pH 5 & temperature 35°C
(C) pH 6 & temperature 30°C
(D) pH 5 & temperature 30°C

39. For maintaining aseptic conditions during fermentation, which one of the following is needed?
(A) Sterilization of fermenter
(B) Sterilization of air supply
(C) Aeration and agitation
(D) All of the above

40. For the recovery of citric acid after fermentation, Ca(OH)² is added to the slurry to precipitate
(A) calcium carbonate
(B) calcium citrate
(C) calcium phosphate
(D) calcium sulphate



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