TDP (General) 1st Semester Exam,2016, Botany, paper I,TU

1.Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because
(A) it reacts with O²
(B) it inhibits glycolysis
(C) it makes nervous system inactive
(D) it reacts with hemoglobin

2. Taj Mahal is said to be suffering from"Marble Cancer"means
(A) acid rain which corrode marble
(B) large number of fungus in Taj Mahal marbles
(C) yellowing of the marble on account of soot particles
(D) smokes filming the Taj Mahal from adjoining industries

3. Which gas is responsible for depletion of Ozone layer
(A) Chloroflurocarbon
(B) Nirogen
(C) Oxygen
(D) Nitrogen oxide

4. India celebrates Van Mahotsav every year in the month of ______ when lakhs of tree are planted across the country
(A) June
(B) July
(C) August
(D) September

5.As per World Wide Fund for nature, which river is the most endangered in the world?
(A) Ganga
(B) Jumuna
(C) Brahmaputra
(D) Mahanadi

6. Which of the following groups of plants can be used as indicators of pollution?
(A) Epiphytic lichens
(B) Ferns
(C) Liverworts 
(D) Hornworts

7.Which of the following on inhalation reacts with blood hemoglobin more rapidly than oxygen?
(A) Sulphur dioxide
(B) Carbon monoxide
(C) Ozone
(D) Nitrous oxide

8. Which of the following is likely to be present in photochemical smog ?
(A) Sulphur dioxide
(B) Photochemical oxidant
(C) Chloroflurocarbon
(D) Smog

9. Which of the following air pollution control devices is suitable for removing the finest dust from the air ?
(A) Cyclone separator
(B) Electrostatic precipitator
(C) Fabric filter
(D) Wet scrubber

10.BOD/COD ratio will always be 
(A) equal to 1
(B) less than 1
(C) more than 1
(D) None of the above

11. Excess fluoride in drinking water is likely to cause
(A) blue baby syndrome
(B) fluorosis
(C) change in taste and odour
(D) inestinal irritation

12. Sound becomes hazardous noise pollution at decibels
(A) above 80
(B) above 30 
(C) above 100
(D) above 120

13.High level radioactivewastecan be managed by
(A) open dumping
(B) composting
(C) incineration
(D) dumping in sealed containers

14. The occurrence of pesticides like DDT in higher trophic levels is 
(A) bioremediation
(B) biomagnification
(C) radiation
(D) biopollution

15. Pollutants that are introduced into the environment by human activity are called as
(A) qualitative pollutants
(B) quantative pollutants
(C) anthropogenic pollutants
(D) All of the above

16.Algal bloom results in 
(A) global warming
(B) salination
(C) eutrophication
(D) biomagnification

17. Growing agricultural crops between rows of planted trees is known as
(A) social foresty
(B) Jhum
(C) Tungya system
(D) Agroforestry

18. Organic farming is the technique of raising crops through uses of
(A) manures
(B) bio-fertilizers
(C) resistant varities
(D) All of the above

19. Which one is green manure
(A) Sesbania
(B) Rice
(C) Oat
(D) Maize

20. Which is the major component of Bordeaux mixture?
(A) Copper sulphate
(B) Sodium chloride
(C) Calcium chloride
(D) Magnesium sulphate 

21.Azolla is used as biofertilizer as it has
(A) rhizobium
(B) cyanobacteria
(C) mycorrhiza
(D) large quantity of humas

22. Ethanol is produced by
(A) continuous fermentation
(B) batch fermentation
(C) Both (A) &(B)
(D) None of the above

23. Which of the following methods is commonly practised for root induction?
(A) Cutting
(B) Grafting
(C) Budding
(D) Layering

24. For the recovery of citric acid after fermentation, Ca(OH)² is added to the slurry to
(A) precipitate calcium carbonate
(B) precipitate calcium citrate
(C) precipitate calcium phosphate
(D) precipitate calcium sulphate

25. The system of plant classification proposed by Carolus Linnaeus was artificial because
(A) it was based on evolutionary relationship of plants
(B) it was based on similarities and differences in floral and other morphological characters only
(C) it took into account the physiological facts along with the morphological characters
(D) None of the above

26. Binomial nomenclature means the name of plant that designates
(A) order and family
(B) family and genus 
(C) species and variety
(D) genus and species

27.What is the correct descending sequence of taxonomic categories?
(A) Division--Class--Order--Family--Tribre --Genus
(B) Class--Order--Division --Family --Species --Tribe
(C) Tribe--Genus--Class--Division--Family --Order
(D) Family--Tribe--Genus--Order--Division --Class

28. Systema Nature was written by
(A) Linnaeus
(B) Charles Darwin
(C) Aristotle
(D) Wallace

29. Which is the best method for understanding general relationships of plants ?
(A) Cytotaxonomy
(B) Experimental taxonomy
(C) Numerical taxonomy
(D) Chemotaxonomy

30. Alfa-Taxonomy deals with
(A)Classical taxonomy
(B) Chemotaxonomy
(C) Phylogeny
(D) Experimental taxonomy

31. Which of the following taxa coveres a great number of organisms ?
(A) Class
(B) Genus
(C) Order
(D) Family

32. The first experiment regarding evolution of life was performed by
(A) Watson and Crick
(B) Oparin and Haldane
(C) Urey and Miller
(D) Meselson and Stahl

33. Coacervayes are formed by 
(B) radiations
(C) polymerization
(D) polymerization and aggregation

34. Miller's experiment on origin of life has provided evidence for the
(A) theory of special creation
(B) theory of biogenesis
(C) theory of abiogenesis
(D) theory of organic evolution

35. Scientists generally agree that the first molecules formed as life evolved were
(A) protein
(C) peptides and nucleic acids
(D) None of the above

36. The oldest fossil recorded dates back to the
(A) Cambrian Period
(B) Archean Era
(C) Phanerozoic Era
(D) Proterozoic Era

37. What gas in today's atmosphere shields us from UV radiation?
(A) Ozone
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Oxygen
(D) Varbon dioxide

38. Which of the following possible explanations of the origin of life on the earth allows yestable hypothesis to be constructed ?
(A) Evolution
(B) Spontaneous origin
(C) Extrayerrestrial origin
(D) All of the above

39.Which of the following is not a characteristic of the first cells ?
(A) Heterotropic
(B) Genome composed of RNA
(C) Anaerobic
(D) Prokaryotic

40. All the articulate pollutants, except 
(A) dust
(B) Ozone
(C) soot
(D) smoke




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