Botany Objetive QA

(1) Name two amonifying bacteria .

Bacillus mycoides , B . ramosis ,B. vulgaris

(2)Name two Nitrifying bacteria.

Nitrosomonas, Nitrococcus,Nitrosospira.

(3) Name two Nitrogen fixing bacteria .

Rhizobium leguminosorum... a symbiont.
Clostridium sp   a free living bacteria.

(4) Name two bateria involved in retting of jute.

Clostridium botulinum ,C. perfringens .

(5)Name two bacteria  which are used to check petroleum pollution.

Pseudomonas , Acromonobacter , Candida & Micrococcus.

(6)Name two antibiotic along with source .

(i) Bacitracin.........Bacillus subtilis ....... ...prevents  gm + bacterial cell wall formation .
(ii) Colistin....B. colstins .....inhibits cell wall formation of gm(-) bacteria & cocci.

(7) What is Acid-fast bacteria?

The bacteria which retains the initial stain and it is difficult to decolourise with acid 
alcohol e.g. Mycobacterium tuberculosis & M. leprae.

(8) How do acid fast bacteria be stained ?

By Ziehl -Neilson technique .

(9) Name the primary stain used in Gram stain method .

Crystal violet.

(10) Name the bacteria associated with caries of teeth .

Streptococcus mutans.

(11) Name the bacteria associated with Bt plants .

Bacillus thuringiensis.

(12) Name the biological sources of Litmus .

Roccella tinctoria ,R.montagnei & Lasallia pustulata.........(all are lichens).

(13) What is reindeer moss ?

A lichen named Cladonia rangifera of Tundra region ,as it is the common food of reindeer & muskox .

(14) Name the biologial source of Orcein .

Cetraria islandica ,  a lichen .

(15) Name two fossil lichen .

(i) Opegrapha & Ramalinites lacerus from the Mesozoic era .
(ii) Lichen dichotomous , Cladonia rosea ,etc from Coenozoic era.

(16) Name the lichen which is the pioneer of plant succession .

Lacanora saxicola a crustose lichen .

(17) Name two lichen used to reduce radioactive substances .

Cladonia rangifera (reindeer moss) 
Certraria islandica (Iceland moss )
Cladonia mangiferina

(18 ) Name one poisonous lichen .

Letharia vulpina (wolf moss).

(19) Name the toxic constituent of  poisonus  wolf moss .

Vulpinic acid .

(20) Name two edible lichen .

Endocarpon miniatum as vegetable.
Evernia prunastri  for bread making.
Cetraria islandica as food in Iceland.

(21) Name two homoisomerous lichen.

Leptogium & Collema 

(22) Name two heteromerous lichen.

Physcia & Parmelia

(23) Name the different spp. of Cinchona.

C.ledgerina (WB, TN,Meghalaya)
C.calisaya (Nilgiri hill, TN)
C.succirubra (Sikkim, TN)
C.officinalis(Nilgiri hills ,TN)

(24) Name the alkaloids of Cinchona.

Quinine (most important)
These active principles are obtained from the bark.

(25) Name the active principles present in the leaves of Digitalis purpurea .

Digitoxin & Gitoxin.

(26) Name the active principles obtained from the roots of Sarpagandha / Rauvolfia serpentina .


(27) Give the scientific name of jute .

Corchorus capsularis & C. olitorius of the family Tiliaceae.

(28) What are mitha pat /tossa pat ?

Corchorus olitorius , grown in upland area is commonly called mitha pat .

(29) What is tita pat /White pat ?

Corchorus capsularis .........tender twigs are edible also.

(30) State the ideal climate for jute cultivation .

Warm & humid climate.
Optimum RH is 57 to 97%
Temperature 24°C to 37°C
Rainfall ...~1000mm, evenly sread for 3-5 months.

(31) What kind of soil is best for jute cultivation.

Loamy alluvial soil with fertile silt deposit is the best .
Heavy clay or very sandy is bad .
Optimum soil pH       6.4

(32) Name two high yielding varities of jute.

(i) Sabuj sona , Shamali ...of C.capsularis.
(ii) Baisahki tossa , Chaitali , Basudev and Chinsurah green of C .olitorius .

(33):What is Para-rubber /Hevea rubber ?

Hevea brasilensis of Euphorbiaceae.

(34) What is Ceara/Manicoba rubber ?

Manihot glaziovii of Euphorbiaceae .

(35) In which Indian state rubber cultivated first ?

Kerala in 1905 .

(36)Name rubber cultivating states of India .

Kerala...Kottayam & Quilon district 
TN... Kanyakumari district
Karnayaka....Coorg district
Andra Pradesh &
Andaman islands

(37) Name the best source of  commercial rubber .

Para rubber 

(38) What type of soil is best for Para rubber ?

Well drained loamy soil.
Soil pH ...4.5 to 6

(39) State the climatic conditions for para rubber cultivation .

Uniform warm & humid climate 
Temperature ..21°C to 35°C 
Rainfall 200 cm

(40) Name a few drought resistant rice varities.

Brown Gora

(41) Name a few Brown spot disease resistant varieties of rice.

Bam 10

(42) Mention the climatic conditions for rice cultivation .

Temperature  : 21°C to 35°C
Rainfall. : Sufficient
Humidity : High

(43) What kind of soil is ideal for rice cultivation.

Loamy soil, 
Clay soil
Clayey loam,
Soil pH .....5 to 8.5 is ideal (exception , a few varities in Kerala at pH 3 & in UP at pH 10).

(44) Name one flood tolerant rice variety.

FR 13A ,. FR 43B

(45) What are the different cropping season  for rice cultivation .

     Sowing time : May-June
     Harvesting time : Sept - Oct
(ii) Aman/ Winter 
      Sowing time : June- July
      Harvesting time : Nov-Dec
(iii) Boro/Summer
       Sowing time : Nov-Dec
       Harvesting time: April -May

(46) Write the scientific name of Assam tea .

Camelia sinensis var. assamica .....mostly grown in India except Darjeeling.

(47) Write the scientific name of Darjeeling tea .

Camelia sinensis var. sinensis... also grown in China , Formosa and Japan .

(48) Mention the ideal climatic conditions for tea cultivation .

Moist & warm climate
Rainfall : 150 --370 cm
Humidity : Wet
Temperature: 20°C to 32°C

(49) Name the different grades of tea .

(A) Tea made from the bud ,1st leaf & softer stalk :
  (i)   Broken Orange Pekoe
  (ii)  Orange Pekoe
  (iii) Orange Fannings
(B) Tea made from the larger 1st ,2nd ,3rd leaves & the intervening stalks :
  (iv) Broken Pekoe
  (v) Pekoe
  (vi) Broken Pekoe Suchong
  (vii) Pekoe Fannings
(C) Tea consisting merely of grains of tea:
  (viii) Dust

(50) What are the major commercial varities of tea ?

Black tea
Green tea
Brick tea
Olong tea 

(51)What is green tea ?

Pale colored ,slightly bitter tea having  most antioxidant and made from unfermented/unoxidised leaves is termed as green tea .

(52) What is black tea ?

The most oxidised /fermented and most flavoured tea made by orthodox or CTC method is yermed as black/red tea.

(53) Name the alkaloid present in tea .

Mainly caffein ,other two are 
Theobromine & Theophylline.

(54) What are obligate parasite ?

The parasite which can live only on living protoplasm are called obligate parasite.
(i) A few fungi like: Puccinia

(55) How do a parasitic fungi turns to facultative saprophyte?

A parasitic fungi   sometimes behave as a saprophyte in absence of  it's appropriate  host , such a fungi is then called facultative saprophyte .
e.g. Ustilago .

(56)What are obligate saprophytes ?

A few fungi ( e.g. Mucor mucedo ) obtain it's nutrition always from dead organic matter (hence, saprophyte) and it never becomes a parasite . Hence , M.mucedo is called as an obligate saprophyte .

(57) Fusarium , Pythium ,etc are fungi but termed as facultative parasite .Why?

Generally, Fusarium  is a saprophyte  ,but in certain conditions it behave as parasire and infectious , hence called facultative parasite .

(58) Menion the three phases of sexual reproduction performed by fungi .

Plasmogamy------> Karyogamy ----> Meiosis
(exception, Deuteromycetes).

(59) Mention different froms of fungal  plasmogamy .

(i) Planogametic copulation
    It may be of isogamous , anisogamous or oogamous.
(ii) Gametangial contact
(Iii) Gametangial copulation
(iv) Spermatisation and
(v) Somatogamy.

(60) What is dikaryon , dikaryophase & dikaryotization ?

In the members of Basidiomycetes plasmogamy is followed by karyogamy after a time of rest and arrange two nuclei of opposite strains in a pair .
This pair of nuclei are termed  as dikaryon.
This phase in life cycle is called as dikaryophase and the whole process is called as dikaryotization.

(61) What is Chitin?

Chitin is a modified polysaccharide present in the fungal cell wall .

(62) What are holocarpic fungi? 

Unicellular fungi (e.g.Sycchytrium) connverts its entire  body into a sex unit like zoospore or aplanogamete at the time of reproduction , such a fungibis called holocarpic .

(63) What are eucarpic fungi

Generally, in a fungi a part of the vegetative mycelia converts into sex unit like antheridium ,ascogonium , etc .This kind of fungi are called eucarpic .e.g.Mucor,Penicillium ,etc.

(64) What is pseudomycelium? TU,2012

Usually during budding of Saccharomyces  a bud is seperated from the mother cell leaving a bud scar .  Occasionally a large number of buds developed but remain attached to each other to make a chain , which may or may not be branched and gives a false mycelium /pseudomycelium .

(65) What is primary inoculum? TU,2012

The overwintered or oversummered plant propagules like spores , sclerotia , etc. may initiate an infection in /on a healthy plant , such propagules are called as primary  inoculum  in plant pathology.

(66) What is heterothallism ?TU,2012

When two gametangia arisen from different spores (+&--) fuse to each other for the process of fertilization, then the phenomenon is called heterothalism.Only cross fertilisation is possible among such heterothallic species .
e.g. Rhizopus stolonifer .

(67)Name two species of Penicillium from which penicillin is commercially obtained.TU.2012

Penicillium notatum
Penicillium chrysogenum

(68) Name the causal organism of Late Blight of Potato .TU,2012

Phytophthora infestans , Division Eumycota , Subdivision Mastigomycotina .

(69)What kind of symptom Blight is ?

Necrotic symptom .

(70) Name the causal organism of the Brown spot of rice disease .TU2017

Helminthosporium oryzae (old name )
Drechslera oryzae (new name)
The asexual stage of Deuteromycetes, sexual stage is Cochliobolus miyabeanus .

(71) What is Sesame spot?

Brown Spot of Rice is also termed as Sesame spot / Helminthosporiosis.

(72) Name the collateral host of H.oryzae.

Leersia hexandra
Echinochloa colonun
Setaria sp.

(73)What is "Fairy ring "?

The dikaryotic mycelium of Agaricus grow centrifugally . Ultimately, a circular colony of hyphae is formed in the soil.When matured , hyphae developed into fruit body .Succesive crops of fruiting bodies produce larger & larger rings ,called as fairy rings .

(74) What is buller phenomenon?
(75) What is VAM?
(76) Name one symbiotic bacteria .
(77)What are predaceous fungi ?

Nematophagous fungi are called predaceous fungi.
e.g. Catenaria anguillulae
        Meristacrum asterospermum,etc.

(78) What is meant by klendusity?
(79)Name two antibiotics used to control plant disease .

Streptomycinb to kill Xanthomonas, Pseodomonas,etc.
Griseofulvin ...kills Alternaria,Botrytis,etc.
Cyclohexamide ..kills Ustilago
(80) What is parenthosome?

The double membraneous structure present on both sides of dolipore in the members of Basidiomycetes is termed as parenthosome/ septal pore cap .

(81) What are phytoalexin?
Hypersensitive plants secreate a few  biochemical substances to inactivate specific attacking fungi,bacteria ,etc. ,and also to prevent infections.
e.g. Pisatin is secreted by Pisum sativum to protect Monilina fructicola .



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