29 Important questions from Paleobotany

          GONDWANA FLORA OF INDIA                                                                                                         (1) Who suggested the name Gondwana ?    1
(2) What is "Gondwana System" ?  Add a note on the distribution of Indian Gondwana rocks.3/TU 2011 H
(3) Classify Indian Gondwanas on the basis of the period of dominance of principal genus .  3
(4) Name the major flora of the following :.         
     (i) Lower Gondwana    8/TU 2012H
     (ii) Middle Gondwana  6/TU 2011 H
     (iii) Upper Gondwana of India
(5) Name few Mesozoic Gondwana flora  .   5
                       Fossils and Fossilization
(6) What do you mean by fossils ?     2/TU 2007H 
(7) Write a note on the importance of fossils . 5 /TU 2015,2009
(8) Explain the theories of the process of Fossilization .6/TU 2015,2012
(9) What is coal ball ? 2/TU 2015
(10) Define microfossil . 1/TU 2015
(11) Citing suitable examples , describe the different types of plant fossils with sketches .3+6+3/TU 2014 ,2012
(12) What is Amber ?  1/TU 2014
(13) What is called "index fossils " ?  1/TU 2012,2011,2009,2007H
(14) Write the process of Fossilization . 8/TU 2011,5/TU 2008
(15) Mention the importance of 'palaeobotany ' 3/TU 2011
(16) Classify fossils according to their mode of preservation. Describe any three of them . 2+6/ TU 2010
(17) What types of fossils are coal ball and Stigmaria System . 2/TU 2010
(18) What is pseudofossil ? 2/TU 2013
(19) What are the different factors / conditions of Fossilization ? 3 / TU 2013
(20) Describe the mode of preservation of fossils accoding to Schopf (1975) . 6
(21) Describe how a pterified fossil is formed . 6/TU 2010
(22) Describe the different types of fossils accordingly to the nature of Fossilization .8/TU 2009,2007H
(23) What  is form-genus or artificial genus ? 2/TU 2011 H,2007H
(24) State the rules for naming form-genera .      8 
       What are the suffixes used for naming form genera of different parts like stem ,leaf ,woody parts,frond,seed,cone ,microsporangia,etc.    TU 2012H
(25) Write short notes on the following :
(i) Role of Palynology in oil exploration . 4/TU 2006
(ii) Infiltration theory of fossilization process .4/TU 2006
(26) Trace the distribution of fossil plants in the following:
        (i)Palaeozoic era.  3/TU2007H
        (ii) Mesozoic era.    3/YU 2007 H,2006H
(27) What are megafossils ? Name and describe megafossils with proper sketch and examples. 2+6
(28) What is  (i) Ichnofossils/trace fossils ,(ii) sub-fossils and (iii) derived fossils 2+2+2
(29) Classify Gondwana following three fold division.Describe the floral assemblage of Lower Gondwana.Why is Rhynia gwynnevaughanii considered as one of the early vascular plant ?3+6+3=12 BOTH2016/2nd Sem


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