Delhi and health hazard

  On Monday, the 10th February,2020 the AAP Supremo Arvind Kejriwal set a new precedent by urging their party supporters and volunteers not to burst firecrackers during victory celebrations to prevent air pollution. It is just a matter of awareness about the air pollution and environmental hazards.                    Air pollution is the 5th largest killer in India by chronic respiratory diseases and asthma. According to the Ministry of Earth Science, October,2018 almost 41% air pollutants in Delhi is vehicular emissions, 21% by dust and 18% is by industries. Moreover , agricultural stubble burning by the farmers,road dust , cold weather and emissions from Badarpur Thermal Power Station are also the key factots of the hazards.                                                There are 5 levels of the AQI (Air Quality Index) and out of them 0 to 50 is good , 51 to 100 is moderate ,101 to 200 is unhealthy ,201 to 300 is very unhealthy and lastly 301 to 500 is hazardous. The term Environmental Hazard is a generic one for any situation or state of events which poses a threat to the surrounding environmental health.                            In Delhi AQI Data is  provided by Delhi Pollution Control Committee and CPCB-India Central Pollution Control Board. The AQI level during January to September is 101 to 200 and October to December is 300 to 500 in the National State Capital.      
  So, Kejriwal's urge  is just the creation of public awareness of the consequences of the pollution and environmental health hazards.As the odd-even scheme is very unpopular ,the other ways are more plantation, sypraying of water on road sides, not to burn stubbles ,use of bicycle, more use of e-vehicles ,use of CNG and more sharing of common vehicles insted of the individual one.


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