54 Important Questions from Pteridophytes

(1) What is telome theory ?................2
(2)Discuss with suitable illustrations and examples the possible origin of sporophyll with axillary sporangia and sporangiophore from telomes in Pteridophytes ..........(8,H.TU;2007)
(3) State merits and demerits of Telome Theory.............5
(4) Discuss the origin of sporophylls in Lycopsids , Sphenopsids and Ferns as has been visualised by Zimmerman .......3×3 ,TU,2012,H.
(5) Mention the facts which suppport Algal origin of Pteridophytes .......2
(6) Critically explain the Anthocerotean theory of the origin of Pteridophytes.........8,TU,2011,H.
(7) What is Seed habit ? Explain how seed habit evolved from heterospory .      2+5 ,TU,2011,H.
(8) Characterize different types of steles found in Pteridophytes with suitable illustrations . Add a brief note on the evolution of said stelar types.   6+6,TU,2006,H.
(9) Differrntiate the stele of Lycopodium from that of Sellaginella .         4
(10) Draw and describe the anatomy of the internodal region (TS) of an aerial stem of Equisetum . Mention the xerophytic characters of Equisetum.      2+4+3
(11) Name one Eusporangiate and one Leptosporangiate fern.          2
(12) In which taxon mixed sorus is found ?      1
(13) Briefly explain the morphological nature of rhizophore in Sellaginella .    4
(14) Draw and describe the anatomical structure of a ligule .        1+2
(15) Give a detailed account of the development of archegonia in Equisetum.    5
(16) What is synangium ?          1
(17) Discuss the morphological nature of spore bearing organ of Psilotum .   5
(18) How does the vegetative body of Selaginella differ from Lycopodium  ?      4
(19) Describe the morphology and internal structure of sporocarp of Marsilia with a diagram.   5
(20) What is ramentum ?      1
(21) False indusium is found in Psilotum/Pteris/Lycopodium.      1
(22) Stem is articulated in Psilotum/Selaginella/Equisetum.          1
(23) Distinguish between two subgenera of Equisetum.    3
(24) Describe the structure of strobilus of Equisetum with labelled diagram . 4
(25) Discuss the morphological nature of sporangiophore of Equisetum.         4
(26) Trace the development of antheridium in Pteris.   4
(27) With suitable diagrams , describe the different types of Gametophytes found in Lycopodium .        2+5
(28) Briefly describe the different types of steles found in Lycopodium .  6
(29) Write notes on the spore -bearing structures of (i) Psilotum (ii) Equisetum and (iii) Pteris. 5×3
(30) Rhizohore is found in Lycopodium / Selaginella / Pteris .     1
(31) Vallecular canal is present in the cortex of __________ stem.   1
(32) Mention the fern characters of Pteris .      2
(33) Describe the anatomical features of the rhizome of Pteris.      4
(34) With labelled diagrams , describe the Gametophytes of Pteris.  7
(35) Name two Indian species of Pteris .     2
(36) Why are Pteridophytes known as vascular cryptogams ?       2
(37) With suitable sketches , compare the strobili of Lycopodium and Selaginella .3+4
(38) Mention the role of hetrospory in evolution of seed habit .      3
(39) What is cone ? Compare the cone of Equisetum and Selaginella with labelled diagrams .   2+8
(40)With the help of labelled diagram , describe the internal structure of Lycopodium stem.    3+4
(41) What is the difference between homosporous and heterosporous Pteridophytes ?    2
(42) Describe the internal structure of Selaginella stem with diagram . 5+3
(43)What is coenosorous ?       2
(44) Write the special characters of Equisetum spores.  1
(45) What is horse-tail and why ?   2
(46) What is club moss  ? 1
(47) What is spike moss ? 1
(48) Name one Gold indicator Pteridophyte . 1
(49) State the hydrophytic nature of Equisetum .    Differentiate between elaters of Equisetum and Bryophytes. 2+2
(50) What is water fern ?  1
(51) What is dheki shaak and sushni shaak ? 2
(52) What is telome truss ? 
(53) Write a note on economic importance of Pteridophytes .5
(54) What is (i) marsiline ,(ii) resurrection plant  ? 2+1


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