Opening and closing of stomata

                                     K(+) Malate Hypothesis of opening and closing of stomata

The role of K(+) ion in stomatal opening was first discovered in 1943 by Imamura and suppported and elaborated by Fujino(1967), Lavitt(1974), Raschke(1975),Noggle-Firtz(1976) and it is as follows:


 1. In presence of light PEP of guard cells reacts with  carbon dioxide in presence of PEP carboxylase to form OAA.The later is then converted to malic acid and NAD(+) by the activity of malate dehydrogenase.
2. Malic acid is then dissociated into H(+) and Malate(-)ion.
3.In the next step H(+) effluxed from the guard cells due to the activity of H(+) ion pump of guard cell membrane.The malate (-)ion remained in the cell and the cell interior becomes negatively charged and pH of the cell increased avobe 7.0 which helps in more malate synthesis.
4.To balance the charge of the cell interior k(+) ion passively influxed into the guard cells from the adjacent subsidiary cells and epidermal cells.
5.The K(+) rushes to the cell vacuole  where it combines with malate (-) ion to form K-malate.
6.The k-malate induces osmosis of water from the adjacent cells into the guard cells. As a result TP of the guard cell increases which leads to opening of stomata.

The sequence of events is as follows:

Light                ➞               Malic acid synthesis         ➞           Dissociation of malic acid into H(+)                                                                                                                   and malate (-)ions

                                                                                                 Influx of k (+) ions and efflux H(+) ions
                                                                                                   Formation of K- malate in vacoules
                                                                                                  Osmosis of water from adjacent cells   


                                                                                                     Increase of TP of guard cells


                                                                                                               Stomata opens

AT NIGHT-  in the absence of light, the sequence of events of the day time is reversed  and TP of the guard cells decreases which results into the closure of stomata. 


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