Important Questions from Morphology and Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Few questions for undergraduate students of Botany (Pass/Honours)
                     For 4th Sem Students ,Tripura University
 #Angiosperms Families : Magnoliaceae , Brassicaceae,  Mimosaceae,
                           Cesalpiniaceae,Papilionaceae,Malvaceae,Rubiaceae ,
                           Apocynaceae,  Solanaceae,  Lamiaceae, Asteraceae .
                           Poaceae and Orchidaceae.
 #Morphology of Angiosperms

(1) Choose the correct answer:.              1 mark each
(i) Apocarpous pistil is found in Magnoliace / Solanaceae / Asteraceae .2010
(ii)Labellum is found in Poaceae /Liliaceae /Orchidaceae.2010
(iii)Siliqua is found in Lady's finger / Radish /Netium.2010
(iv) Gynobasic style is found in Ocimum sanctum /Cucurbita pepo /Tectona grandis .2009
(v) Epicalyx of Malvaceae  is a bract / bractole / leaf .2009
(vi) Follicle fruits are found in the members of Malvaceae / Solanaceae /Apocynaceae. 
(vii) Pappus is found in Trapa bispinosa /Mikania cordata /Mirabilis jalapa. 2008
(viii) Persistent calyx is  found in Raphnus sativus / Solanum melongena /Mimosa pudica.2008
(ix) Winged fruit is found Cucurbita maxima /Shorea robusta / Solanum indicum 2008
(x) Gynobasic style is found in Leucas linifolia/ Capsicum annum /Tectona grandis.2006
(xi) Spice yielding plant is Cocer arietinum /Coffea robusta /Coriandrum sativum. 2006
(xii) Pappus is found in Lamiaceae/Asteraceae/Solanaceae.2014
(xiii) Numerous free stamens are found in Brassicace/Malvaceae/Solanaceae/Magnoliace 2012
(xiv) Reniform anthers are found in Malvaceae /Solanaceae /Asteraceae
    (xv) Tetradynamous stamens found in Lamiaceae /Asteraceae /Brassicace
    (xvi) Apocarpous pistil is found in Magnoliace /Solanaceae /Asteraceae
    (xvii) Sagitate anther is found in Apocynaceae / Rubiaceae /Asterace
    (xviii) Intrapetiolar/interpetiolar stipule is foind in Lamiacea/ Rubiaceae/Apocynaceae
    (xix)Pollinia is found in Orchidaceae/Poaceae /Mimosaceae
    (xx) Didynamous stamen is found in  Lamiaceae/ Solanaceae / Cucurbitaceae
(2)  In which family capitulum inflorescence is found ? 1/2010
(3)  In which family cruciform corolla is found ? 1/2010
(4)  What is monodelphous stamen is found ? 1/2010
(5). What is siliqua? In which family siliqua is found? 2+1/2010
(6)  What is aestivation ? With labelled diagrams and examples describe the different types of aestivation. 2+2+5/2010
(7). Describe how fruits and seeds are dispersed by animals ?5/2010
(8). Mentioning examples differentiate between true fruits and false fruits.3+3/2010
(9) Describe different types of dry indehiscent fruits with sketches and examples.3+5/2010
(10). Write the morphological nature of the edible part of pineapple. 1/2010
(11). What is the form of corolla found in Papilionacrae ? 2/2010
(12) Which type of fruit is found in Apocynaceae ? 1/2010
(13). Give the botanical term for minute and reduced perianth of Poaceae.1/2009
(14) What is clestogamy ? Give example. 2+1/2009
(15). What are the advantages of cross pollination ?2/2009
(16). Describe the following types of inflorescence with suitable diagrams and examples:2×5/2009
(i) Corymb (ii) Spikelet (iii) Helicoid cyme (iv) Spike (v) Verticillaster
(17) Define fruit. Describe with diagrams how fruits and seeds are adapted for dispersal by  
       wind ?2+5+5/2009
(18). What is jaculator ? Give example. 2+1/2009
(19). Draw and describe the heterogamous capitulum . 2+2 /2009
(20) What is placenta ? How many types of placentation are found in angiospermic plant ? 
(21)  With suitable diagrams and examples, describe the different types of placentation.
(22). Describe the following types of fruit with the examples:. 6/2008
(i) Legume (ii) Regma (iii) Caryopsis (iv) Sorosis
(23). Briefly describe the contrivances for cross pollination. 7/2008
(24). What is the role of feathery stigma and labellum in flower ? 2+2/2008,2011
(25) Mention the ovary position in Rubiaceae and Asterace.2/2008
(26) Write the diagnostic characters of ______********_________.Write down 
       the fruit types , number of stamens , number of carpels and scintific names of two
      medicinal plants of this family.  5+1+1+1+2=10 /2014. **=Liliaceae
(27) Why is Orchidaceae regarded as the most advanced family among monocotyledons ?
(28). Persistent calyx is a characteristic of _______family. 1/2014
(29)  Write the scientific name of an economically important plant of the family Fabaceae.1/2014
(30) Write  the diagnostic characters of the family in which tetradynamous stamen is found. Give the floral formula and diagram of this family.6+2 /2014
(31) What type of inflorescence ,fruit and stamens are found in the family Rubiaceae ? 1+1+1/2014(no of carpels,2010)
(32) How is a pair of follicle developed from a single flower ? 2/2014
(33) What os capitulum ? 2/2014
(34) Name a climber species of Astetaceae .1
(35) Name a genus of Rubiaceae in which solitary flower is observerd as inflorescence.  1
(36) Mention the placentation type of Rubiaceae with exception . 2
(37) Make a comparative study of Mimosaceae,Caesalpiniaceae and Papilionaceae.6
(38) Give the scientific name of the plant from which "khair or katha" is obtained ? 1
(39) Write down the diagnostic characters of the family in which Reniform anther is found .Give the floral formula and diagram of this family.Name one fibre yielding plant pf thid family . 3+1+1+1
(40) Why is Magnoliaceae is considered as a primitive family among the Dicotyledons? State it's diagnostic characters . Give the floral formula and floral disgram . 3+3+1+1/2011,2013
(41) In which family syngenesious stamens observed? Why is this family considered as most advanced among Dicotyledons. 1+4 /2011,2013
(42) Mention the name of the family and diagnostic characters having the following characters :(1+4) ×3 /2012
(i) Reniform anthers
(ii) Gynobasic styles
(iii) Tetradynamous stamens.
(43) Write binomials of three pulse yielding plants. Write the name of the family to which they belong. Write the general characters of that family mentioning floral formula. 3+1+8/2012
(44) Write the diagnostic characters of the family Apocynaceae. 3/2012
(45) In which family capitulum inflorescence is found ? Write the characterd of the flower of that family. 1+6 /2011
(46) Write down the position of ovary, numbar of stamen and type of fruit in Orchidaceae.3×2/2011
(47) Write the diagnostic characters of Poaceae .5/2011
(49) In which family spikelet inflorescence is found ? Write the binomials of two cereal yielding plant of that family. Write the floral formula and floral diagram of this family.1+2+1+1
(50) Write the diagnostic characters of the family Asteraceae .5/3013
(51) Write the diagnostic characters of the family Solanaceae.Give the binomials of three economically important plants of this family.5+3/2013
(52) Write the family name and diagnostic characters in which following types are found:
(i) labellum (ii) spikelet inflorescence (iii) syngenesious anthers
(53) Add a note on cohesion of stamens with sketches and examples.3 +2+2
(54) Add a note on Adhesion of stamens with sketches and examples. 3+2+2
(55) Write a note on the attachment of anther with the filament with suitable diagrams and examples.4+2+2
(56) Classify and describe flowers on the basis of the insertion of floral leaves /appandages on the thallumus with suitable diagrams and examples.1+3+3
(57) Add a note on the special types of inlforesence with suitable diagrams and examples.4+2+2
(58) Add a note on the different types of bracts with suitable diagrams and examples.8
(59) Add a note on the different types of Racemose inflorescence with suitable diagrams and examples.8
(60) Add a note on the different types of Cymose inflorescence with suitable diagrams and examples.8
(61) Add a note on the mixed types of inflorescence with suitable diagrams and examples.6
(62) Draw and describe spikelet inflorescence.2+2
(63) State the general characters of Magnoliace/ Brassicace/ Mimosaceae/ Caesalpiniaceae/Fabaceae / Malvaceae /Rubiaceae/Apocynaceae/Solanaceae /Lamiaceae /Asteraceae /Poaceae/ Orchidaceae with floral formula and floral diagram. 6+1+1
(64) Write a note on compound leaves with suitable diagrams and examples.6
(65) Define androphore and gynophore with example 2/2006
(66) What is conduplicate carpel.Give example.2/2006
(67) Mention the types of the following fruits and state the morphology of edible portion of :
(i) Tomato (ii) Paddy (iii) Apple (iv)Coco (v) China badam 2×5/2006
(68) Which part of the carpel contains ovule ? Name a monocarpellary flower .1+1/2003
(69) Discuss  briefly the morphological nature of stamen with vasculature. What is carpel polymorphism ? 8+2
(70) Mention the ovary position and the types of fruits in Solanaceae. 2/2010
(71) Write the binomials of the following plants : Mustard,Pea,Tulsi,Marigold. 4/2006
(72) In which monocot family flowers shows various structural modifications? 1/2013
(73) Name two dicot family with epigynous flower .1/2013
(74) Write the bimomials of the following: Sunflower, Safflower (kusum),Coffee 3/2013
(75) Mention the scintific names and families of two plants of each category of cereal, medicine,ornamental and paper yielding plants of Monocotyledons 8/3013
(76) Name one dicot family having unisexual flower 1/2013
(77) Write the scintific names of two medicinal plants, two vegetable yielding and two tree species belonging to Dicotyledons.6/2013
(78) In which type of fruit pericarp is closely fused with seed coat ?1/2008
(79) In which monocot family flowers are generally unisexual ?1/2008
(80) Name one dicot family with Apocarpous pistil.1/2008
(81) Write the binomials of cotton , cauliflower.cabbage radish ,carrot,gram. 1 mark each



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