Taxonomy of Angiosperms imp Questions

Questions from Pass/ Honours Papers
(1) What are dichotomous keys?       1/2011H
(2) What are author citation ?             1/2011H
(3) Distinguish between phenetics and phylogenetics .   1/2011H
(4) What is serology ?      1/2011H
(5) What are the phases of taxonomy ? 4/2011H
(6) Give a brief account of rules of priority .  3/2011H
(7) How are the taxa typified in nomenclature ?  5/2011 H
(8) Mention the criteria for rejection of names.  3/2011 H
(9) Define orthoselection .  1/2012H
(10) What is systematics ?  1/2012H
(11) What is holotype ?  1/2012H,2006H
(12) What are the chromosome characteristics that are used in most cytotaxonomic studies ? ........1/2012H
(13) Mention the principles of ICBN.  3/2012 H
(14) Give a brief account on "effective and valid publication " .   5/2012H
(15) Describe the rules of author citation with examples .   7/2012H
(16) What are taxonomic keys ?  2/2012H
(17) What are the different types of dichotomous keys ? 3/2012 H
(18) What is taxonomy ? How does it differ from biosystematics ?  1+2/2006 H
(19) What is neotype ? Give example.1+1/2006 H
(20) Illustrate various typifications employed in botanical nomenclature . 5/2006H
(21) Name the taxa where the specific epithets are descriptive adjectives indicating (i) habitat of the plant ,(ii) utility of the plant .  2/2006H
(22) Write the full form of ICBN. 1/2006H
(23) Define alpha and omega taxonomy .2/2007H
(24) Explain the consolidation , biosystematic and encyclopaedic phases of taxonomy
(25) What is type specimen ?  2/2007H
(26) With the following examples , explain the citation of authorities :
       (i). Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f
       (ii) Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stap.f
(27)Define the rules of proority . State the major rules for effective and valid publication of the name of a taxon.  2+5+8.  2006H
(28) Add a note on Rejection of names  5
(29) Explain Ranks of taxa . 3
(30) What is (i) Punched card key and (ii) Bracketed key 1+1
(31) State the criteria used in chemotaxonomic investigation. 4/2011H
(32) Give two examples in each cases where chemical and cytological characters are used to solve the taxonomic problems .3/2007H
(33) Citing two examples , discuss how embryological features are used to solve the taxonomic status of these taxa. 4+4/2006H
(34) Mention the chemical characters that are used in solving taxonomic problems. 7/2006H


(1)What is herbarium ? 2/2011H
(2) Briefly describe the methods for the preparation of herbarium . 7/2011H
          Or,. Describe herbarium technique.  4/2006 H
(3) Describe the importance of herbarium.  3/2006H
(4) Name the largest herbaria  of (i) the world and (Ii) India , along with the number of herbarium sheet . 2+2
(5) What is the size of  (i) herbarium sheet and (ii) labell piece.   1+1
(6) Name two Botanical gardens of India.   2/2011H
(7) What are the functions of the botanical gardens ?   5/2011 H
(8) State the importance of botanical gardens in relation to conservation .3/2007H
(9) Discuss the purposes,goal and practices of a general herbarium.4/2007H

From 2015 Honours paper

(1) What is rostellum ?   1
(2) What is corona ?        1
(3) Define holotype .        1
(4) Write the full form of ICBN.  1
(5) Name the type of inflorescence found in Asteraceae .   1
(6) What is meant by taxonomic hierarchy ?   1
(7) What is a dichotomous key ?   1

(8) Define alpha and omega taxonomy. Explain the consolidation, biosystematic and encyclopaedic phases of taxonomy. What is author citation? With the following examples, explain the citation of authorities :
 (i)  Allium cepa L.
 (ii) Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng.  3+6+2+4

(9) Define rules of priority .State the major rules for effective and valid publication. Mention the important nomenclature types .3+6+6

(10) Discuss how embryological features are used to solve the taxonomic status viting two examples. Mention the characters that are used in chemotaxonomic studies.5+5+5

(11) Characterise the floral characters of Orchidaceae . Discuss the range of floral structure in this family. Give floral diagram and floral formula.Comment on the economic importance of Orchidaceae. 4+5+3+3




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