Important Questions from Phycology

Important Questions from Phycology

(1) Discuss how the concept of 'hunger theory of sex' helps in the understanding the origin of sex in algae.   4.  2003TU
(2) What is the role of algae in the origin of petroleum and gas ?  3.  2003TU
(3) How can the undesirable species of algae be controlled biologically? 2. 2003 TU
(4) Write short notes on :        3+3+4   2003 TU
(i)Use of algae in agar industry.  2011
(ii) Special forms of vegetative structure in Algae
(iii) Altetnation of generations in algae
(5) Choose the correct one:
(i)Oedogonium/Chlamydomonas/Nostoc is an alga with incipient nucleus.  1. 2010 TU
(ii)Oogamous type of sexual reproduction is found in Chlamydomonas brauni/Chlamydomonas debaryanum/Chlamydomonas coccifera.  1.  2008TU
(iii) Dwarf male microfilament is found in Nostoc/Oedogonium /Chara  1. 2015TU
(iv) Heterocyst is found in Nostoc /Chara /Ectocarpaus. 1.  2014 TU
(v) Akinite is found in Chara/Nostoc /Ectocarpaus.           1.  2013TU
(vi) Floridean starch is the reserve food of brown algae / red algae / blue green algae 1  2014 TU,2011
(vii) Pit connection is present in the cell wall of Pheophyceae / Rhodophyceae/Bacillariophyceae.   1  2012 TU
(6) With siitable diagrams, describe the different types of flagellated spores found in Oedogonium .3. 2010TU
(7) Describe the life cycle of Ectocarpaus with special reference to alternation of generation.   7+3.  2010 TU,2008
(8) What is the difference between the zoospores produced from unilocular and plurilocular sporangia ?  2. 2010 TU ,2008
(9) What is Palmella stage ?    2.  2009TU
(10) Describe the different types of sexual reproduction of Chlamydomonas with suitable diagrams and examples.   7+3+1. 2009 TU
(11) Write the systematic position of Chlamydomonas .   2   2009 TU
(12) Name two Indian species of Polysiphonia . Describe the post fertilization events of this genus .   5    2009 TU ,2015,2011,2013
(13) Describe the structural unit of Oedogonium filament with suitable diagrams .    6+2.  2009 TU
(14) What are the prokaryotic features found in Nostoc ? Name the pigments and reserve food materials of this genus ? Describe the different types of reproduction of Nostoc with diagrams. Add a note on the economic importance of this genus. 3+3+6+3    2008 TU
(15) What are unilocular and plurilocular sporangia?  Or differentiate between them  .3.  2006 ,2008,2011
(16) Describe the cell structure of Bacillariophyceae.   5.  2014TU
(17) What is auxospore ?  2.  2014TU
(18) Give a brief account of sexual reproduction in Chlorophyceae. 5. 2014 TU ,2012,2010
(19) Write the source and use of agar-agar.  1+2. 2014 TU
(20) With labelled diagram, give an account of the cell structure of Cyanophyceae algae. 1+6. 2013 
(21) Write about the different types of reproduction in Pheophyceae.  4  2013 TU
(22) Write a note on the economic importance of distoms.   4. 2013,2012TU
(23) Give an account of the characteristic features of Rhodophyceae. 5. 2012TU
(24) What is Gaidukov phenomenon ?    2   2011
(25) Mention the prokaryotic features of Cyanophycean algae .  2. 2011,2009
(26) What is the role of algae in agriculture ? 3.   2011
(27) What is water bloom ?    2.    2011
(28) Mention the salient features of Bacillariophyceae.   5.  2010
(29) Describe the different types of reproduction in Cyanophyceae.   8.  2009
(30) Mention the economic importance of Cyanophyceae.   3.   2009
(31) Add a nte on prokaryotic features of Nostoc with mode of asexual reproduction.2+4 2015
(32) Why is the life cycle of Polysiphonia called triphasic ?  2.  2015
(33) Why is Chara called as stonewort ?  2.    2014,2012,2010
(34) With the help of a suitable doagram, describe the sexual reproduction in Chara. 3+7. 2014
(35) Write a note on germination of Chara zygote .  4.  2014
(36) Give the systematic position of Oedogonium .   2.  2014
(37) Describe macrandrous type of sexual reproduction in Oedogonium. 2+6.  2014
(38) Distinguish between the macrandrous type and nanandrous species of Oedogonium.  3. 2014
(39) Name the vegetative reproductive organ of Chara .  2.  2012
(40) With labelled diagrams, describe the structure of globule and nucule of Chara .8+2   2012,2010
(41) What do you mean by trichothallic growth ?  2.  2011
(42) What is isomorphic alternation of generation ? Name an alga in which sich life cycle is found. Describe this type of life cycle with proper sketch .2 +1+5.    2011
(43) Describe the structure of Nostoc filament . 3.  2011
(44) Add a note on the asexual reproduction of Nostoc.   4.   2014
(45) Write a note on cystocarp ,.    3.  2010
(46) Alternation of Generation in Polysiphonia is triphasic. Justify.  5.  2013
(47) What is trichoblast ?  1.  2013
(48) Name one coenocytic alga.       1
(49) What is cap cell ?    1
(50) Stete the significance of apical cap .      2
(51) What is Irish moss?   1
(52) Define Kelp with significance. 1+2
(53) State the economic importance of Diatomite.   2
(54) Describe the structure of diatom cell with suitable sketch.2+4
(55) Differentiate between Pennate and Centric Diatom .     3
(56) Describe the auxospore formation in Pennate Diatom.  6
(57) Describe the auxospore formation in Centric Diatom.  4
(58) Describe the structure of Spermatangia and Carpogonium of Polysiphonia.  3+4
(59) Name the reserve food of Rhodophyceae .   1
(60) Name an alga in which gameta is always nonflagelate .    1
(61) Which two alga forms coral reefs ?  1+1
(62)   Name the pigments of red algae.    2
(63) What is Clump formation ?    2
(64) Add a note on true anisogamy and physiologial anisogamy of Ectocarpaus with respective specis name  .    2+2+1+1
(65) In Ectocarpaus life cycle is isomorphic. Justify.    3
(66) What is neutral sporangia ?    2
(67) Describe the vegetative structure of Vaucheria.   2+3
(68) In which green alga pyrenoid is absent ?   1
(69) Add a note on (i) asexual reproduction and (ii) sexual reproduction in Vaucheria.4+3
(70) What is Gongrosira stage ?    2
(71) Describe the cell structure of Chlamydomonas. 2+5
(72) Write a note on different types of zoospores of algae with examples.   6
(73) Write a brief note on the thallus organization of algae.   6
(74) Add a note on different types of chloroplast of algae.    6
(75) Add a note on evolution of sex in algae.   6
(76) Add a note on  (i) algae as food , (ii) algae as fodder (iii) algae as antibiotic .4+4+2
(77) What is McDonald Pfizer’s law ?   4
(78) Write a note on thallus structure of Oedogonium with labelled diagram. 2 +4
(79) Write a note on (i) cell structure of Oedogonium (ii) asexual reproduction in Oedogonium . 3+4
(80) Distinguish between the zoospores and androspore of Oedogonium  3 
(81) Describe the evolution of sex in Chlorophyceae.         7
(82) Describe the development of antheridium in Vaucheria with labelled diagram.   5
(83) Describe the development of oogonium in Vaucheria with labelled diagram.   5
(84) How the oogonium of  Vaucheria becomes uninucleate .        
(85) State the effenities of Vaucheria with Chlorophyceae, xanthopycea and fungi.    6
(86) Describe the isogamae , anisogamy and oogamy in Chlamydomonas.
(87) What is carrageenin, alginate and funori ? Sate their sources and uses .     3+3+3
(88) Name one parasitic algae.   1
(89) Write a note on algae as antibiotics.  2
(90) Add a note on flagella of algae. 5
(91) What are pyrenoids? Describe the cell structure of diatom with suitable diagrams. Add a note on the economic importance of algae. 2+(4+2)+4=12,2nd Sem BOTH-2016
(92) Enumerate the different types of spores found in the life cycle of Vaucheria.Describe it's sexual reproduction with neat sketch.What is Palmella stage? 2+(5+2)+3=12/2ndSem 2016BOTH



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