Carica papaya Male plant & Female plant / पपिता - स्त्री एवं पुरुष उद्भिद
Male Papaya Plant:
Photograph : A male papaya plant
Description: The plant is a herb with milky latex, crown of leaves present terminally.
Leaves: Large, long petioled, simple,lobed, exstipulate .
Description: Axillary panicles
Description: Incomplete, actinomorphic .
Description: Calyx: Sepals (5) ,cupular, rotate, shortly segmented, gamosepalous, valvate.
Photograph: Twisted corolla in male flower with epipetalous stamens
Description: Corolla- Petals (5) , gamopetalous,tubular below but expanded at apex, twisted in aestivation.
Stamens - 5+5, arranged in two whorls, inserted at the throat of the corolla tube ; anther bithecous, dorsifixed, connective turns ligulate.
Pistilode in male flower is absent or filamentous .
Female Papaya plant:
Plant: Same as a male plant.
Leaves: Same as a male plant.
Infloresence : Clustered on the stem.
Photograph:A female flower
Photograph:A female flower with levelling
Calyx: Calyx segments are longer than the female flower , rest are same .Corolla: Petals 5, polypetalous , twisted.
Stamens: Absent.
Gynoecium : Crpels 5, syncarpous, unilocular, ovary superior, ovules many, placentation parietal ; style short, stigma irregularly branched.
Fruit: Large sized many seeded berry , with a large cavity inside.
giving all information about the papaya with nice picture explanation .
ReplyDeleteits very useful for anyone how researching about papaya different between male papaya and female papaya .
Vazrick Nazari Ottawa
I am very much happy for such valuable encouraging comments , thanks for giving time to read the writing from a simple person like me !