HP Important Questions

Unit l
1. Define saltatory conduction .
                                                2, 2016,2019
2. Two important properties of reflex action .      3, 2016
3. Origin, course, termination of Gall and Burdech tract.  5, 2016
4 What is Oligodendroglia ? Mention its function .   1+2 ,2016
5 Define chronaxic & rheobase . 1+1, 2016
6. Histological structre of skin with labeled diagram.        5, 2016
7. What is EPP & MEPP ? 1+1, 2016
8. Differentiate between synaptic  and neuromuscular junction .   3, 2016
9. What is neurotransmitter ? Name two amino acids that acts as neurotransmitter.
                                                 2+2, 2016


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