TDP(General) 3rd Semester Exam,2020(Held in 2021)

Paper lll ,FM..40,Time..2 hours
Ans any 4, selecting 2 from each unit
1 (a) Define Systematics.
   (b) What do you mean by binomial      nomenclature ? Give one example .
   (c) What is Linnaean Hierarchy? Discuss biological species concept in short .
2 (a) Define adaptation .What do you mean by secondary aquatic adaptation?
   (b) Describe the structural and  physiological adaptations in Camel.
3. Write short notes on / Answer any two of the following:.   5X2=10
(a) Bayesian and Mullerian mimicry with examples
(b) Classify Phylum Annelida upto subclass with examples.
(c)Pre-zygotic isolation with examples
4(a) What are the different types of ecological Pyramids ? Describe  in short with example .
   (b) What is the difference between grazing and detritus food chain ?
                                                ( 2+5 )+3=10
5(a) Define discontinous distribution.Give one example of filter bridge .
   (b)Mention the different vetebral fauna of Oriental realm.What is Wallace's line?
6 Write short notes on the following : 
(a) Ex-situ and in-situ conservation
(b) J-shaped groth curve


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