Human Physiology 3rd Semester, Topic ... Neuroglia

(1) What is Neuroglia ?Mention its function .                      5+2=7,2017

Neuroglia is the supporting/interstitial and insulating tissue present in the both the grey and white matter of Central Nervous System
(CNS) and composed of three types of cells :
(1) Astrocytes
                       *Fibrous and
(2) Oligodendroglia or
      Oligodendrocyte and
(3) Microglia .
    Number of neuroglia is 10--15 times than the neurones of CNS.

(i) Star shaped cells with many radiating cytoplasmic processes.
(ii)Fibrous types have more intermediate filaments and present in white matter .
(iii) Protoplasmic types are resent on the grey matter .
(iv) Cytoplasmic processes may attach to capillaries , neurones and synapse .
(i) Astrocytes present around the blood vessels wall to regulate the ionic balance by removing K+ in CNS .
(ii) Astrocytes act as blood-brain barrier in CNS. 
(iii) Astrocytes produce membrane potential .
(iv) Astrocytes also removes GABA , glutamate etc from the CNS .

These are smaller than Astrocytes and also have less number of processes .
Oligodendrocytes form myelin sheath in CNS.

These are small cells processing long thin tortuous like structures.
Perform phagocytosis and motility in blood vessels of CNS.

(2) What is oligodendroglia ?Mention its function.                                1+2 =3, 2016


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