Zoo-Geographic Realms#Zoology 3rd Sem#Unit ll
Name different zoo-geographical realms, their constituent countries and areas.
What is Wallace's line? (5+1),TU,2016
The world is divided into some realms /regions , on the basis of presence and absence of many organisms .
Alfred Russel Wallace in 1876 edited P.L.Sclater's division of 1857 (on the basis of distribution of birds ) by including terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates .
The six realms are:
(1) Palaearctic realm :
Geographical Area:
Europe, Nothern part of Africa , Asian Himalaya and Nan ling range of China .
(2) Nearctic realm:
Geographical Area:
On north : Entire North America ,
On South : Upto Upper Mexico,
On East : Greenland and
On West : Aleutian islands
(3) Neotropical realm :
Geographical Area:
South America , Central America , Lower Mexico and West Indies except Trinidad and Tobago.
(4) Ethiopean realm:
Geographical Area:
African mainland, Southern part of Arabia, Ethiopia, Madagascar .
(5)Oriental realm:
Geographical Area:
India, Burma, Southern China, Thiland, Indonesia, Sri Lanka etc.
(6)Australian realm:
Geographical Area:
Australia, New Zealand , New Guinea, Tasmania ,etc.
Alfred Russel Wallace seperated six realms by dotted lines on the world map , these lines are termed as Wallace's line .
Write a note on Palaearctic realm with it's sub-divisions and characteristic fauna.
Geographical Area: Europe, North part of Africa Asian Himalaya and Nan ling range.
It is further divided into four sub-divisions
(i)European sub-region: North Europe , Central Europe, Alps Mountain ranges, Pireneas ,Black Sea ,East Kokesus , Iceland.
(ii)Mediterranean sub-region: Northern Sahara, Southern part of Mediterranean sea , South Kokesus, Afganistan and Baluchistan .
(iii) Siberian sub-region: Nothern Asia
(iv) Manchurian sub-region: Mongolia, Korea, Manchuria , Japan .
Climatic conditions
Extreme cold (Siberia) & extreme hot (Sahara Desert)
Ecological condition:
Deciduois forest , coniferous forest , mixed forest , larege grass land & Tundra area , etc present .
(1) Fish: Carp, Salmon ,pike etc.
(2) Amphibia : Salamander(European), Proteius, Hynobius,Alytes, Didocus , Bombinator , etc.
(3) Reptiles: Sand boa, Trigonophis, Aligator, etc.
(4) Birds: Wrens, Arctic tern, Finches, Geese, etc.
(5)Mammals: Total family 39 (Seluinidae & Ailuropodie are endemic) . Porcupine, dog, wild ass, european bison, polar cat, deer, etc.
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