Oriental Realm

Oriental Realm
Geographical Area:
       Most of Asian countries .....India ,  Burma (Mayanmar) ,Indo-China i.e. Vietnam ,Laos & Cambodia , Malay of yodsys Malaysia,  Filipines , Islands of Indonesia like Java, Bali& Borneo .
        Annual rainfall : More than 1500 mm.
Ecology :
       Dense rain forest in Eastern part,
       Desert in Weastern part,
       Moderate forest in other parts.
Sub-regions with some fauna :
(1)Indian..................Sloth, Chousingha,                                        Black buck, Antilope
(2Ceylonese...........Loris, Spring rat,
                               Shield tails
(3)Indo-Chinese.....Panda, Takin, Frog,
                                      Flying lemur, 
                                Rhino (1 horned)
(4) Indo-Malayan....Orang-utan, Gibbon, 
                                Mydus, Broad bills,
It represents 30 Mammalian families , out of them 4 are endemic .


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