Taxonomy of Angiosperms # Part I # Principles & Practices# 4# Author citation # 4th Sem Honours

 Q. 1. Explain author's citation on the basis of follwing example:
   Capparis lasiantha R.Br.ex D.C.
(D.C. means Candole).

      From the given example , it is clear that the name of the specimen /plant was first suggested / given by Robert Brown as Capparis lasiantha and he also recognised as a new species,but he did not described  it ,even nor published it.
     Later , A de Candole published this new species with description, diagrams, etc and reffered Brown's name .
   Here the rule is given in Article 46 of ICBN :
   When a name has been  proposed by an author ( here, Robert Brown) but not validly published by him; but if the same species is subsequently validly published by 2nd author (here, A.e Candole) with diagrams and descriptions the word "ex" should be put before the publishing author .
  Other examples:
(i)Allmannia nodiflora R.Br.ex Hook.f.
(ii) Acalypha racemosa Wall. ex Baill
(iii) Arenaria uligenosa Schleich ex Schlechtend 
(iv)Andropogon aromaticum Siber ex Schult , etc.

Q.2. With the following example, explain the citation of authorities:
Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf.
     It is an example of "Double Citation".In this species the original generic name was given by A . de Candole as  Andropogon citratus DC , but it was shifted to the genus Cymbopogon by Otto Stapf , hence cited as Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf in which A de Candoles name is cited in parentheses as (DC) followed by Otto Stapf as Stapf .
  Rule (Article 49): 
  When a genus or a taxon of lower rank is altered in rank but retains its name or the final epithet in its name , the author of the earlier name  or epithet bringing legitimate name (the author of basionym) must be cited in parentheses, followed by the name of the author who effected the alteration  ( the author of the new name ).
         Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf. is Lemon Grass , family Poaceae and one of its synonyms is Andropogon citratus DC.

Q.3. With the following example, explain author's citation:
  Cymbopogon martinii W. Watson in Atkin. Gaz. N.W. Prov. India, 10:392,1882.
     This plant/species is validly published by W.Watson in 1882 in Atkinson's Gazette of N.W.Province, India ,Vol 10,page 392 in 1882 alongwith proper description and diagrams 
           Rule: To publish a taxon accurately alongwith the author citation , the binomial ,author's name , "in" is followed by the part of  bibliographic citation .



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