Plant Propagation........Grafting

   Grafting is the union of  pieces of two different living plants  i.e. rootstock  and scion in such a way that they subsequently grow and develop as an individual plant .
   Scion is a short piece of seperated shoot containing many dormant buds and in a graft functions as the upper portion and from which branches will grow .
  Rootstock/understock/stock is the lower portion of a graft in which scion/s is/are grafted .
   Graft incompatibility is the failure in union of scion and rootstock due to (i) anatomical matching,(ii)phytolasma or viral attack,(iii) poor craftmanship and (iv) advarse environmental conditions,etc.

                     Stone grafting

      Stone grafting is performed by the horticulturists for mango propagation.
Method of grafting:
        (1) Nursery bed preparation : A raised nursery bed of 1 m X 3 m sized is preared in the month of June -July by mixing soil & FYM in 2:1 ratio .
      About 100 seeds can be swon in 1 m² of nursery bed .
       (2) Preparation of rootstock:
       (a) A good number of healthy mango seeds are swon in the bed for germination.
       (b) A 12 to 14 days old seedling with tender stem , copper red leaves & stones at the bottom is selected as a rootstock.
       (c) The upper part of each of the seedlings are trimmed leaving 6 to 8 cm long tender stem .
      (d) Finally, a 4 to 6 cm long downward longitudinal cut is made in tender stem to make the rootstock .
      (3) Preparation of scion: 
      (a) Scions i.e.10-15 cm long  branches with red sprouting tips  are selected from healthy mango plants .  
     (b)About 7-8 days prior to the formation of of rootstock , leaves around the tips of the branches are trimmed off for a length of 6" in the scion mother plant .
     (c) On the next 7th day each scion are collected  from the mother plant by cutting the branch 6" from the red tip and instantly keeping in water .
     (4) Scion-rootstock union: 
     (a) A wedge shaped cut on the both side of the scion is made and inserted into the  rootstock and tied with grafting strips.
    (b) Grafts are then planted in poly-bags containing potting mixtures and kept  in a shaded place .
    After 15 -20 days of grafting scion starts to sprouting .


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