Industrial Botany# Spirulina Culture

Spirulina culture

SCP: The dried cells of micro-organisms used as food & feed were collectively defined as microbial proteins and in 1967 the term SCP(Single cell protein) has replaces the term microbial protein .

Food value(Constituents are in per 100 gm of Spirulina fusiformis powder).

A.  Major constituents (%) mg.

Total protein             64.0

Fat                              67.0

Crude fibre                  9.3

Carbohydrates          16.1

Calories                   364.0

B.  Vitamins ( mg)

Beta-carotene.         320.000IU

Biotin                             0.22

B 12                             67.5

Folic acid                    17.6

Riboflavin                     1.78

Thiamin                      0.118

Tocopherol                0.773IU      

C.   Minerals (mg)

Ca                                130               

Fe.                                  58

Na.                               450

K                                   640

D.  Essential Amino Acids(%).

Lysin.                        2.99

Cystine.                    0.474

Methionine.             1.38

Phenylalanine.        2.87

Threonine                3.04

(Source: Michelson Laboratories Inc., U.S.A. ,1988)

Culture process: Commercially Spirulina is cultured by two processes: (a) Semi-natural lake system and (b) Artificial built cultivation system.




(1)            Generally, rectangular open cemented tank  of 10 X 30 X 0.5 mt³ having PVC liner is constructed . It is having 1mt wide parallel ridges .

(2)            Motor-driven power-paddler wheel aerator of 108 rpm & 22”deep is installed to agitate the culture for better yield in amount and quality .

(3)            1 liter mother culture is added per 1000 liters nutrients .

(4)            NaNO3 & NaHCO3 is added to the clear water in the tank maintaining 10-10.5 pH ,but initially 8.5 pH.  This pH level makes it hygienic ,as a few other can survive in this environment.

(5)            Spirulina grows well at 35-40°C at low light intensity.

(6)            At the beginning agitation done in every 2 hours, but during culture time i.e. for 10 -12 days it is done 15 minutes in every hour.

                12-15 days after culturing green filaments of Spirulina float on the surface as a thick mat.

(7)            For harvesting  a nylon mesh of 30-50 micron is used and a white cloth is used to collect algal filaments .

(8)            Sun drying is the best one to get best quality products.Protein content varies by 10-15% on the intensity of sunlight, highest value obtained in  mornings .

Regular monitoring of Spirulina culture is essential to avoid contamination.

Dried Spirulina  powder is then packed in aluminium foiled bags or in bottles for marketing.

Uses of Spirulina SCP:

(1) As food supplement : Since, it has high% of digesible proteins(62-72%),vitamins, amino acids, several minerals etc. it is used as a good food supplement .

(2) The pigment C-phycocyanine present in it is a good anti-oxidant & has anti-inflammatory properties .

(3) It lowers cholesterol levels by increasing HDL levels.

(4) Athletes use Spirulina tablets to get instant energy .

(5) It improves digestion and also increases immunity.

(6) It helps to improve eyesight and also a good anti-cancer substances due to the presence of beta-carotene.

(7) Spirulina has a good demand in cosmetics industries , e.g. use in bio-lipstics in Japan as it is rich in phycocyanin .

(8) FDA,USA has approved it used in various food industries e.g. ice-cream, puddings, yogards, candy & chewing gums , etc.

(9) Commercial brands of Spirulina are used for health benefits as to lower weight, diabetes, high bp, etc.



















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