Taxonomy of Angiosperms# Part -I # Principles and Practices # 3# Effective & Valid publication # 4th Sem Botany Honours #TU

            Effective & Valid Publication
             Valid and effective publication of a new name of a taxon is effective under the 10th Botanical Congress ,1964 ,i.e. The Edinburgh Code , only when :-
(i) it is distributed as printed matter to general public (particularly botanists ) or at least to botanical institutions having accessible libraries for botanists with the consequent said matter published on botanical journals or periodicals .
    e.g. The genus Physospermum was read in 1770 by Cusson but not effective; when it was published in Science Mem. de la Soc. Med Paris, 1787,it became effective.
(ii)Publication on or after 1/1/1935 must be accompanied by Latin description or diagnosis by previous reference for it's effectiveness.
(iii) Publication by indelible autograph before 1/1/1953 is effective ,e.g., Salvia oxyodon, was published  in autograph catalogue Catlogus Plantarum Hispanicarum,July 1858 was effective .
(iv) Publication on or after 1/1/1953 are valid  if there is a clear indication of rank of taxa.
(v) Publication of a taxon of rank of family or below on or after 1/1/1958 is valid if nomenclatural type is mentioned along with the name of the place where type specimen is conserved. 
   Effective publication deals with the mean of distribution; whereas valid publication deals with  both distribution , diagnostic characters with reference and text matter.
             A name is valid if (a) effectively published, (b) accompanied by description of the taxon  and (c) in a direct or indirect reference to previous effective publication.
            e.g.The name Digitaria sanguinalis  was changed and a new name Panicum sanguinale Scopoli without any of the botanical description of the speciec but valid Fl. Cam.ed 2,1: 52,1772  as  reffered to P. sanguinale which was published by Linnaeus in, p 57, 1753.



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